Monday, September 7, 2015

Hungary's GLOOMY SUNDAY - "Enough with the Immigrants"

While Putin, everybody's favorite pointy-nosed murderer, pours more money and weapons into SYRIA to keep the dictator there in power, anyone who voices worry over Syrian immigrants is labeled "RACIST."

How DARE you suggest the poor, poor Syrians flooding into Europe might include terrorists?

Why, that's like suggesting that when Castro allowed "amnesty" for Cubans to go to Florida (with help from sympathetic Christian Jimmy Carter) he didn't also empty his jails and dump murderers and thieves, too.

Crazy bitch Merkel actually wants 800,000 (that's EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND) immigrants to take over Germany.

The PM of Hungary isn't so enthusiastic.

For every blubbery-lipped soft-soap like Piers Morgan, whining that "WE" are the problem and "WE" need to take in refugees, there should be a dry-eyed realist saying "HOLD ON!"

Like THIS guy:

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