Friday, April 15, 2016

Merkel Fucks Goats - German Chancellor Prays "to go to Muslim Heaven"

Sour-faced square-headed Angela Merkel has finally explained why she's let so many Muslims into Germany:

"I've discovered the hobby of goat fucking. Goats are very energetic. They can do you for a long time. They also have a sexy, dirty smell. They slobber on your back when they do it, and bleat!"

She added, "Allah told me that if I let as many Muslims into Germany as possible, and demand every other European nation do the same, when I die, I'll get 72 Virgin Goats in heaven. They'll be very horny by the time I arrive. I believe heaven is where you fuck goats!"

She added, "I never got laid much by men. Some said I look like Paul McCartney in drag. Others say I just don't look like a woman. Or even a goat. Some complained they couldn't tell my twat from my asshole."

I keed. I keed.

It's pretty easy to tell when somebody isn't serious. The entry is on a blog. The person admits it. The person is a PROFESSIONAL COMEDIAN.

In the latter case, you sort of expect a professional comedian to say impudent things for a laugh. Germany, under Herr Merkel, not so fast! A comedian made a joke about a hummus-faced psycho-bastard Muslim piece of shit who happens to be the unstable leader of a crazed Middle Eastern country. And ohhhhhh, the fall-out.

Why not joke about the moron who runs Turkey? Hasn't he run Turkey into the ground? Do we ever know when these Kurds are going to attack other Muslims for no reason? Isn't it true that all our "friends" in the Middle East have become our enemies at one time or another (except Israel)?

There were times when America had to crawl on hands and knees to get Turkey to let planes go by, or to park in Turkey to better observe the possibility of nuclear weapons in Iran blowing up the world. TURKEY is one cluck of a country and its leaders are bird brains.

So, a German comedian laughed about how the President of Turkey fucks goats. Or watches kiddie porn. Or some other stupid, obvious, bad-taste tweak. So what.

So he could be in jail for five years. Whatever happened to FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

Since this IS a highly reasonable blog that always has a Libran sense of justice, it's important to point out that Germany has a little added pressure to do the right thing.

They only started BOTH world wars. They gave us Hitler. They have a grotesque history of NOT being exactly fair to ethnic groups, or sensitive to differences of race and religion.

So, is having a strong policy against even a comedian saying riotous things a good thing? YES and NO.

Not long ago, an obnoxious "comedian" took to the stage to say insulting things about Jews. They weren't remotely funny. They weren't even jokes. He had become known for antisemitic remarks and enjoyed his "fame" for it. He knew what he was doing and was proud of it. But since he was on a stage, and a comedian, he felt he was protected. He was fined, instead. He was a Muslim bastard inciting hatred against an oppressed people.

All over the world, "hate speech" directed at a particular religion is frowned upon. Insulting minorities, whether religous, racial or sexual, is considered bullying.

This situation isn't quite similar for political leaders. Being a king, a dictator, or a president opens you up to abuse from the opposite party and from everyone. It's accepted. Caricature happens. Crude insults happen. Somebody says something nasty about Merkel, Obama or this stuffed Turkey? It doesn't affect any of them. It's only words. It's not suggesting assassination. It's the little guy saying, "You're powerful, but you're still an asshole." Disrespect is funny. Ask Groucho in insulting Margaret Dumont. Being a rich society woman, or a blue blood, or a world leader shouldn't make 'em Gods.

Merkel let thousands of Muslim murderers and rapists into her country. Now she's wetting her knickers because one of her COMEDIANS pissed off the bullying psycho ruler of Turkey. Oh, FUCK OFF all of you. FUCK OFF to Merkel. Fuck off to the Turkey moron. And ps, when was the last time a GERMAN COMEDIAN ever said anything funny or witty? It's pretty sad when you defend an idiot who can't even tell a joke.

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