Friday, April 17, 2015

AM-NewYork You Get What You Pay For : LOUSY HAIKU

Depend on an editorial staff of wusses, illiterates and retarded interns to choose the world's lamest "poetry" for any contest.

This is especially true when there's no money involved, and it's either a pathetic Internet website with no standards, or a "newspaper" that is given away for free. AM-NewYork is both a pathetic dotcom AND a useless give-away that people use to wipe windows and line bird cages.

The staff are the kind of bores that have to "make conversation" about anything inane. Like, "say, this is Haiku Day." Zzzzz. They actually ran a "contest" (no payment) to "celebrate" haiku. Just write something about New York City, aka "The Big City" aka "Our New York." Ugh:

Beyond awful? Some of this shit isn't even haiku.

Haiku isn't taking a sentence and spacing it onto three lines. This is not Haiku:

"The dentist drilling without nitrous oxide gas equals our New York!"

Or two detached clueless sentences:

"Something magic here. Impossible to describe, but we all feel it."

It's also not some jerky thought any idiot might mumble to himself:

"To the Big City! Taking the LIRR? Might not be worth it."

It's not a fucking fortune cookie from a cunt named Wang:

"Museums standing sharing secrets of the past will one day keep ours."

But of course, let's show ethnic diversity, and a Latina cunt offering the tritest of the trite:

"Cold, snow, freezing rain. Out of nowhere peeks the sun. Springtime has begun!"

For the record, Haiku is supposed to be three independent images that combine with artistry to form a complete poem. Easier said than done. Especially in the case of a drunken mick named Paddy Collins, who asks:

"Who sees forever when they look out across this city and has hope?"

No hope YOU will ever get paid for a poem, you fucking puddle of puke.

Who "has hope?" I hope the next time you look out across this city, it's from a plane taking you to the side of a mountain in Germany.

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