Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Madonna: She's MAGGIE THATCHER, Bitch! But fag-bitches whined.

Oh, that Madonna, smug, ignorant, low-class and scummy. She LOVES to shock.

Only she really wasn't thinking her love of Margaret Thatcher was controversial.

Hey, Madge and Maggie are just liberated ladies, right?

Maggie Thatcher was the beeeee-atch of her day. The Iron Lady. You go, girl.

So what happened? How come all her fans didn't twerk to photos of Margaret Thatcher, and put a photo of The Iron Lady on their g-strings?


First off, they had no idea who she was.

Second, a "prime minister of England" means nothing to most people, especially a dead one.

But most of all, FAGGOTS remembered that Maggie didn't like 'em too much. Ahhh. Madonna had to pay attention to her most vocal fan base and just shut the fuck up.

If I'm being honest, the average person is an IGNORAMUS when it comes to politics.

Why should they be otherwise? There's not much they can do about their leaders, and the choices are usually shit.

The best we can do is have bloggers and tweeters and Farcebookers try and point out who is doing a good job, who in the past did or didn't do a good job, and what could or should be done in the future. And leave out the fucking "libtard!" and "tea bagger" rhetoric, which is poor debating procedure and just makes people stop listening and start bellowing.

PS, a politicians backward or forward view on faggotry or dykery isn't, of itself, such a big deal. Add some other points, ok? Most every politician has had a blind eye toward the suffering of a particular group, while devoting a lot of attention to some other cause. Richard Nixon, horrible as he was, was good on foreign policy. Reagan was no pal of fags, but he told the Russians, "tear down that wall." Jimmy Carter would rather kick a Jew than eat a peanut butter sandwich. And that's a guy who LOVES his peanuts. He just hates Jews a lot more.

But all Madonna had to hear was that Maggie didn't appreciate faggots. Now, as far as Madonna is concerned, Thatcher is dead. Well, there are other people who are glad Thatcher's dead for other reasons...and, wonder of wonders...some who aren't so glad, and would prefer her to Cameron or Blair.

Politics makes for strange bedfellows. Then again, and there's photographic evidence, so does Madonna.

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