Friday, April 17, 2015

South Africa Hates Immigrants? Tutu Bad. Where's the Great Mandela?

Well, isn't THIS ironic? Now tell me, Dizzy Desi the Toot (Desmond TuTu) what's the only apartheid nation on Earth? Israel, you say? Not SOUTH AFRICA?

"Ain't no man righteous, not one."

I wonder what The Great Mandela would say about this.

Nevermind. Immigration is always a one-way street. Brotherhood only extends to actual brothers.

South Africans don't want: "Somali, Ethiopian, and Pakistani shop-owners, as well as Zimbabweans, Malawians, and Mozambicans..."

The usual amusement in South Africa is blacks killing whites (notably heavyweight fighter Corrie Sanders) as payback for having the nerve to bring the country into the 20th Century. Now in the 21st, whites can't own land, whites better watch out, and even Pistorius, with no legs, claimed his status as a superstar wouldn't prevent him from being subjected to violence. (But like any good hypocrite, he could dish it out!)

South Africa was, at one time, a place that saw a rise in culture thanks to the white man, and Basil Rathbone was born there, and Josef Marais among others, celebrated the native music and adapted it so it could be brought all over the world. Now? The whites, especially white farmers, were thrown out. Even conservationists were sent packing or fed to the lions. Nobody gives a damn because it's become a violent cess pool in the 21st century.

It's the same the whole world over. It's a shame, a wretched shame. The answer is to simply say "STAY OUT." That means, don't emigrate to Italy, Germany or Great Britain, and then you can turn around and say "Don't come HERE." Everybody stays where they are.

What the South Africans are saying is they don't want greedheads taking jobs, changing the lifestyle, or inflicting their religious, stinky cooking or obnoxious music on everyone else. Points well taken.

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