Sunday, April 19, 2015

Mutants Foul Their Country And Flood Into Italy

Here we go again, the "let's feel sorry for illegal immigrants" headlines.

All I feel sorry about is that no matter how much LEGAL MONEY I give to my ISP, and no matter how much LEGAL MONEY I spend, Adobe will pester me every day with fucking "updates" and screw up photos and videos while expecting me to spend my life updating their nerdy nonsense.

The "tragedy" was cause by idiots capsizing their own fucking boat. The "tragedy" is the amount of time and money being wasted on idiots who shouldn't have been engaged in illegal activity.

Italy has enough with their home grown Mafia. They should actively discourage "migration." They don't need to scare away tourists by having them worry that every illegal alien rapist-killer from the Ivory Coast, Somalia and other over-breeding cesspools will be waiting to rob and rape their daughters.

In the old days immigrants came to a new land because they were outnumbered and abused. Now they simply outnumber the supply of everything. Rather than fight, they let a minority of religious maniacs run rampant. Why is it that in all of history, every nation fought off attackers and fought off homegrown terrorists? They only left because of famine or religious persecution from an overwhelming majority.

Now? It's all up to greed, overpopulation, and stupidity. Ingrates who don't want to learn the language or customs of their new land, arrive illegally and dare to be deported.

Too bad there aren't any more folk singers to moan dirges about the deportees, or about the migrant workers denied their "rights." Too bad that with today's technology and cheap prices, Africa could get a billion free condoms and free vasectomies for everyone...but they won't do it. They'd rather spread disease, create more over-population and watch religious maniacs take over with no resistance.

A boatload of monkeys who don't know how to put on condoms sink in the ocean and that's literally barely a drop in the ocean, and it won't prevent another boatload from chugging out of some sewage-harbor an hour later. Italy isn't even saying "We will fire on any vessel that is unauthorized to dock." They aren't using radar technology to protect their coast? They encourage savages to take over? Atsa fine. Atsa buncha tootsi-fruitsi brains who truly want to put an end to the culture that brought the world Leonardo Da Vinci (you know, the actor who was in "Titanic.")

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