Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sex and Blacks and Jenner all our brains and bodies need...

Well, what a DELIGHTFUL set of stories to catch your eye on the Daily Fail website:

We've got obnoxious blacks rioting and bellowing with nothing better to do.

We've got the usual inane sex story involving some cunt claiming something or other that wasn't proved...or some rich bastard getting away with rape (which is probably closer to the truth). have to have either a KARDASHIAN or a JENNER story. Oh, what a delight, two of Brucie-poo's ex-wives want to be fame whores, too. They rally around this cunt-to-be, just SO proud of him. Wasn't it just a few days ago that one of these bints was grumbling that Brucie-poo totally ignored the sons he had with her, and was busy "Keeping up with the Kardashians" instead? Didn't one of them shiver over having to explain why "Daddy has breasts?" That was when a son accidentally glimpsed Brucie-poo nude, while the maniac was experimenting with hormones.

Well, there you have it, what the media thinks YOU and I should care about.

Three idiot stories. Riot shit, sex perversion and a story about the most odious fame whore assholes in entire family of utterly useless garbage.

The media is fanning the flames, literally, of rioting retards. They don't bother to mention that Dead Freddie was arrested, what, eighteen fucking times?

IF I'M BEING HONEST, as much as I hate the pig cops, and as quick as they are to sneer and bully and act like any white person is a white nigger, let's not overlook that most of the time, they ARE dealing with scum. They are under intense pressure every moment of the day. Even if they're dealing with some white idiot who dared to ask traffic directions, or who called up with a noise complaint, they don't know that lurking in the distance is some Muslim with a machine gun.

And when the call involves blacks, they know it could be someone with a concealed weapon, and if not, they'll be listening to some flim-flamming jive-ass motherfucker who knows all the tricks.

A guy like Freddie is the type to grin and say, "Show me a warrant" and "You ain't got shit, and mah posse here will be witnesses if you try and take me in," and "Prove that knife on the ground is mine." Anyone on this planet want to have to wrestle with an obnoxious multi-arrested black man who could be carrying a razor, a knife or pepper spray? You think the cops don't know that they're dealing with some psycho on drugs, or just a 5-time loser who doesn't give a shit if he slashes a cop and gets an extra month in jail for it? Blame 'em if they get a little rough with some fuckhead resisting arrest?

I'm not saying Freddie, or Garner, or even Trayyyyvon were necessarily "accidental" deaths. But most of the time the riots have nothing to do with them and everything to do with "let's have some fun, let's scare Whitey, and let's get some free shit from a looted store."

No matter what, cops aren't gonna change much. Being Nazi fuckhead bastards is part of what cops do. They let you know that if they can, and if no cameras are around, they WILL fuck you up. That's part of how they keep the peace, no matter who you are. If other are around, they'll just verbally abuse you, and scare the shit out of you and tell you "You are this-close to being arrested, and you'll be taken down and held overnight and who knows how many times you'll be butt-fucked before a lawyer bails you out."

If nobody's around, they might do the butt-fucking, or crack your head, or just plain kill you.

You get the skunk eye from some fucking pig cop, you damn well should know to be polite, not run, not do a fucking thing but humiliate yourself with "Yes sir," and "No sir," till the arrogant swine lets you go (because you didn't really do anything).

Meanwhile for several days, maniacs in several cities are acting like this Freddie guy was a regular Maya Angelou. No, he wasn't. In fact in almost every high profile case, the deceased was a troublemaker who would be alive if he a) wasn't engaged in illegal activity and b) really chose to cooperate and instantly stopped and put his hands up. You don't run. You don't struggle. Just last week there was footage of some at white redneck jerk getting the crap beaten out of him by some cops. He sued and got a LOT of money, even though he was a convict with a long record. But no, nobody marched and protested about it. Because most people have jobs and don't have the time to defend assholes who were looking for trouble and/or had long criminal records.

Meanwhile Big O is telling the world that this shit "isn't the first time" that blacks have been hassled. No. He's alluding to the 60's riots. And he's letting history repeat itself. He's letting a bunch of jerks who actually have it very soft, and didn't suffer the indignities of the 60's "negro," literally run wild in the streets. Sadly, it's been up to the decent blacks to try and take back their neighborhoods from the street corner thugs, dealers and assholes, and stop them from their looting, and from burning stores run by blacks, and also chain stores that opened in high-risk massive-shoplifting black neighborhoods as a show of trust and support for the decent people that are in the majority.

Oh well. What other news would we be amused to read about? Some different Kardashian? Some different sex crime? Some breathtaking murder or more misery from Nepal? So we get to see the ominous pictures of mobs ready to go nuts and the possibility of more fires and more intimidation. More of that "don't hassle 10-time losers who've been arrested again and again" shit...when the decent people in the neighborhood really want a police presence and don't want these fucking hoody-thugs hanging around.

The Baltimore Orioles played a baseball game to an EMPTY crowd. Afraid of riots, nobody was allowed in the stadium or anywhere near it. Ballplayers used to being cheered by a crowd, got a chance to see what it would be like to play in an atmosphere more like Wimbledon. Who knows, maybe a few preferred it that way.

Most would prefer if "no news" was the good news, and the three stupid shit items that were FRONT PAGE today, were NOT.

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