Wednesday, April 1, 2015

As if this asshole AASIF isn't also ANTI-SEMITIC - Aasif Mandvi

Isn't it...interesting?

Now that Muslims and Blacks are moving from minority to majority, racial humor isn't so bad.

Joking about somebody's religion is long as it's Judaism or Christianity.

When the Muslims and Blacks are in power, notice their insensitivity.

It's Hitler all over again. What did Hitler and his bunch say? "Oh, it's a few insignificant's a few members of a minority group..."

And here, "it's just a few jokes...about Israel and JEWS..."

Joke about nearly running over a Jew in a German car, or that Israel is violent and it's "much ado about nothing." Nevermind that the person doing it, doesn't seem to joke in the same way about Muslims or about Palestine.


All that Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert or David Letterman would have to do is ONE joke just the LEAST BIT rude, and they'd be told to quit.

Letterman had to practically get down on his knees apologizing to Sarah Palin, of all people, for a joke he didn't even make (it was "interpreted" to be about Palin's under-age slutty daughter when it was actually about her legal slutty daughter).

In the "politically correct" 21st Century, every white comedian has to be very careful with any joke but...with a new generation of Muslim and Black comedians...that's changed. "Oh, lighten up,'s JUST A JOKE..."

Jimmy Fallon wouldn't tell a "joke" that is really just an insult to Muslims:

"Americans know how to recycle like Muslims know how to be peaceful."

Can you imagine him doing that? No. First, because he has taste and sensitivity. Second, it's not even funny.

But Comedy Central's bold black Trevor Noah said..."like ISRAEL knows how to be peaceful" and, obviously, didn't think twice.

Because he's an anti-Semite. Because all he knows is to be nasty.

Can you imagine this one from David Letterman?

"Almost bumped into a Jewish kid crossing the road...I would've felt so bad IN MY GERMAN CAR!"

Trevor Noah thought it was heeeeee-larious.

But you can be sure that Trevor Noah and his shower buddy Aasif Mandvi, would've waved "Fire Dave" banners if that joke was about blacks or Muslims being hit by a car.

So smug Aasif Mandvi sits around making a fortune because white people are bending over to give HIS people jobs and show tolerance for HIS people, and he turns around and dumps a turd in return. "Much ado about nothing," is his answer to racist, bigoted jokes intended to put down one religion and one country.

Take a look at Mandvi. It's a surprise, isn't it? Take a look at that face.

"Don't you love Aasif Mandvi and that adorably surly grin? He looks like he just blew up the Boston Marathon."

Oh, that was a JOKE, Aasif, that was a JOKE.

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