Sunday, April 26, 2015

Faggot, Cunt, Nigger...Let Me Choose Which Words are ARREST-WORTHY

"What the fuck."

Do you suppose there are places in the world where you could be arrested for saying that?

It seems like "freedom of speech" is taking a beating. Or rather, YOU could take a beating if you use certain words around religious fanatics, crazy cops, or entitled minorities of all types.

Here's what just happened in New York City, where there's so much crime that cops don't even answer the phone, and 911 will say "you're calling about THAT?" and you can point to an act that should get someone arrested and law enforcement shrugs.

Yes, some guy calls some guy some names. So?

According to Judge Wapner (the original star on "People's Court") words are nothing. "You walk away." There's a little something called Freedom of Speech. You might say something unpopular, but if you aren't threatening violence, it's ok. Why, sometimes you can threaten violence and even THAT is ok, because it's just "words."

If this guy who cried out "black piece of shit" was pissing in the street, throwing trash on the sidewalk, letting his dog SHIT and not clean it up...a cop would say, "that's not exactly murder. Don't bother me. I won't even bother talking to that guy. Go call Sanitation or the Department of Transportation or his mother."

Some black idiot could rant all day from a street corner: "Kill Whitey" and "Hey you White Motherfucker, Fuck You, You Cracker," and that would be just fine.

It seems that these days anyone can be arrested or fined IF the law is twisted JUST right, and that usually means some crap about "minorities" being subjected to "harassment." But not always. Women are routinely subjected to "cat calls" on the street. That's ok.

Tell some faggot to stop screeching and prancing while on line at the post office, and YOU could get mailed to jail for 30 days. But if the faggot screeched and pranced around you, shouting, "I'm here and I'm queer," that would be ok. He'd be "demonstrating." Or would he be arrested for not having a permit? It seems the cops and the judges are free to pick and choose what's against the law and what isn't.

Fact is, you can smoke in Central Park even if it's illegal, because cops are "too busy" to arrest anyone for it. You can let your unleashed dog shit all over the park, too. Again, the cops are "too busy." And they'd be too busy eating donuts if a white person was being harassed by a black.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, there's a lot wrong with "Freedom of Speech." There's the old "shouting FIRE in a crowded theater" argument. But there's even more that's wrong with selectively letting certain groups run wild, run their mouths, or be evil, dirty and disgusting in public. The excuse is that it involves a "minority."

How bizarre is it, that a store owner can openly say anywhere in America, "I refuse to cater a gay wedding. I won't let a delivery person bring a pizza to a gay party." And yet, a woman Tweeting about this injustice, gets suspended for saying something like, "Who wants to join me in going over there and punching that sexist idiot in the nose?"

We're seeing more favoritism, fucked-up power games, and misguided abuse or denial of "freedom of speech."

We're also seeing some very pathetic censorship in the guise of being "politically correct." The other day the idiotic London Daily Fail ran a headline about how David Letterman had mentioned the old, old quote, "treat a whore like a lady, and a lady like a whore." Only they censored the word into "who*e." The word IS IN THE DICTIONARY. It's been in use for hundreds of years. 'Tis Pity the fucking Daily Fail thinks they have to change WHORE to "WHO*E." What? Treat a lady like Dr. Who?

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