Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bruce Jenner: "I am a Woman...I am a Murderer...I am an Egocentric ASSHOLE"

Yes, the ratings were SPECTACULAR.

The utterly insane Jenner-Kardashian media machine won't be stopped unless by an Act of God. But God would rather destroy homes in Nepal and not toss an earthquake toward California's Kanye mansion, or Bruce's fairyland home that is so spacious photographers need telephoto lenses to take a blurry picture of him on his property.

No, in the world of Jenner-Kardashian, OTHER people die. Like the woman who was minding her own business, driving her car, and got rammed from behind by the FABULOUS BRUCE JENNER.

Drivers are supposed to be able to stop short. They should have enough distance between themselves and the car in front to do no damage, or minimal damage. AND NOT KILL SOMEONE.

Nobody is talking about Jenner's car accident, or whether he was texting, or primping in a mirror, or sipping Starbucks, or practicing cock sucking on a banana. But a woman is DEAD. And this bastard has not shown any remorse or concern about it. Of course not. None of the Jenner-Kardashian scum care about anything but themselves and making MONEY.

So this asshole had Diane Sawyer and others bidding for an exclusive, which he already was planning to use as a springboard for signing a deal on his own "Reality Show." He's not going to quietly change his sex like thousands of other men and women, including a lot of models and performers who have been nominated for Emmy awards, or who have put out many successful albums (such as Amanda Lear).

Google "transgender celebrities" and you'll find over a dozen of 'em. But this BRUCE JENNER egomaniac media whore can't keep his ugly face to himself.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, it also pisses me off that everyone who made jokes about how GRUESOME this motherfucker is, are now afraid to do so.

Hey, if anything, he's just gotten older and uglier, and he'll need a trowel's worth of make-up before he's anything but cringeworthy.

The media, and IDIOTS, are so awed by "Celebrity" they refuse to even listen to jokes, much less insults. Paris Hilton walked around like the Queen of America. She faded away, and that ox Kim Kardashian is doing it. Porn videos? Ugliness? No talent? Nobody tells these dimwits off.

Late night comedians stay away. Jimmy Kimmel's a big pal with Kanye West and grovels at the sight of him. Nothing seems to get through this Teflon shield of ADORATION that these monsters have. From Lady Gaga to Viley Virus. Christ, even Justa Beeper doesn't really get what he deserves. It's just "he did it again," like it's a good thing.

As expected, most celebrities, who are fags, dykes, or ass lickers, know better than to say Bruce Jenner is an egocentric mental case. Or that he should just go get himself fixed and conduct himself with dignity, like Chaz Bono.

Instead, everyone's talking about how "brave" this guy is, and how wonderul his manipulative (weep, Brucie, weep) interview was. What a faker with his tears and his drama queen bullshit. Millions upon millions tuned in? They had NOTHING better to do? People have NOTHING better to do than keep promoting the Kuntrashians and Jenner-talia idiots day after day after day?

It's a national nightmare every fucking day that Kim and Khloe and Kylie and Kris and Kanye and THIS asshole strut around as if they matter.

Look at this crap below, and all the soft-serving celebrities mewling and purring about how "brave" this jerk is. Brave? He's making a fortune. He's going to have cameras PAY to follow him around. He's always been an arrogant crud and he's worse now, being a fucking artificial diva. Only Wendy Williams got it right, call him a "fame whore."

Where is the BLOCK software that will allow me to visit a webpage and NOT have to see ANY mention of JENNERS or KARDASHIANS?

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