Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Heave Ireland Back to the Irish - vomity Nicky Minaj makes her ass stink up the stage

Why was everybody throwing up in Dublin over the weekend?

Dublin' over because of the double-wide double-ugly ass cheeks of Nicky Minaj?

Where is St. Patrick to drive this gruesome snake out of Ireland?

Better question, what the FUCK is going on in Ireland that they'd have this shit-filled parody of womanhood on stage there?

HEY. Seriously. Bald-headed Sinead O'Connor was at least making some kind of statement. She can emote.

Bold-butted Minaj makes the kind of statement you normally only see in a bad neighborhood's whore district. She doesn't emote, she emits. SHIT.

Cows belong in a pasture with the rest of the manure.

Black guys like huge disgusting butt cheeks. OK, but Ireland is a white country. Isn't it? How does icky Nicky mount a manure tour there? Maybe somebody left little cocktail umbrellas on each pile of dogshit in Dublin, saying: "If you are aroused by THIS, come see Nicky Minaj's never-ending END, this weekend in Dublin."

Isn't there anyplace safe from rubbery blubbery gruesome and garish twats like this?

Apparently there's enough of a minority element in almost any city on Earth for a freak like Minaj to make money. Barnum DID say there was a sucker born every minute, and these days, that's many a retarded leech.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, there have always been ludicrous women making fun of their own cunts. Charo would be an example. Bette Midler had such an ugly face she had to get campy as she bounced her balloons to a mostly gay audience. Now it's the exception more than the rule!

Hey, Ireland, WHAT was in that audience? The Black Irish? Gays? Farm animals drawn by the scent of fresh excrement?

What a national disgrace for Ireland to allow this cunt into the country.

John Lennon expressed it best: "If you had the luck of the Irish, you'd be sorry and wish you was dead. If you had free tickets for Nicky, you're better off shot in the head. Instead."

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