Friday, April 24, 2015

Farcebook Groups: You're NOT My Favorite Waste of Time

One of the saddest, stupidest things you can do is join a FACEBOOK group.

You'll soon regret it, and loathe yourself for having been lonely and looney enough to think you'd find "like-minded" people among monkeys. You will quickly be repulsed by the die-hard maniacs who spend their entire lives absolutely DEVOTED to STUPID SHIT and INANE PEOPLE.

Or, you discover that some people are really brain dead and dumb, and don't share YOUR serious knowledge of the subject. Like, HOW can you equate "Dell" comics with "Gold Key" and like BOTH equally? Harrrrrrrrumph! (No wonder they have less than 400 dicks. Er, members.)

Either way, you end up alienated. Your attempt to find edification or amusement leaves you DISGUSTED.

Type in a few terms or celebrities, and you'll soon be inundated with offers to join MORONS as they worship...

Tempted by these fruit bats? These wombats? These weirdos?

Notice how often these pathetic asswipes call their group an "appreciation society," as if nobody else on the planet has the good sense to collect gum wrappers or spent their lives watching B-movies for the ten seconds in which Joe Besser does one of his genius fag-whines while clenching his fingers together.

What can you say about a pitiful thousand (of which maybe twelve are regular contributors) who think they OWN Lucille Ball? "OUR LUCILLE BALL." Yeah, only YOU losers truly, truly understand her profound GENIUS, as she shoved chocolates into her mouth, stomped on grapes, or yowled, "RICKY" with mock-tears in her eyes. Christ.

You have to be missing a ball to spend your life pussying around about a long dead woman who was mostly not very funny, and certainly not very funny re-run after goddam re-run.

8-Track tapes? Let it GO!

Vintage comic books? GROW UP!

And when you discover how few people care about your favorite bloooze rocker, it might mean that he's not so great, or there's some rival group run by less simian retards. That's often a big problem: the "owner" of the club is a total dickhead who has all the charm of Putin and all the people skills of Kim Jong-Un. Maybe he lets people do stupid things, or refuses to let people do ANY things. Either way, the result STINKS.

This often leads to "rival" groups, and you can only join one Boko Haram Appreciation Society or face DEATH.

Some people don't like getting lost in a "crowd" of 70,000 fans of some aspect of "Star Wars" or "Dr. Who." They much prefer being one of the few hundred that somehow got hung up, as teenage girls, over Mark Goddard, who didn't do much in the supporting cast of "Lost in Space." Now 60, obese and divorced several times, how lovely to be in an "Appreciation Society" for him, and hope he might drop around to answer a vital question once in a while. And how discover most of the other members are gay. And the owner of the group will NOT stop these gays from chortling lurid fantasies while YOU want to re-hash your favorite show episodes!

All of this is telling you it's better to NOT be on FARCEBOOK among shut-ins who'll never help you when you're in need, and who could turn on you if you accidentally insult SOME aspect of their rabid fetish. "What? You think that "motherfucker" doesn't belong on the "7 words you can't say" list because Carlin already said "fuck" and "mother" is not technically dirty? GET OUT OF MY GROUP!" No point even telling him that George himself later amended the list to remove "motherfucker" and add "twat," which would be the Facebook group owner's true name.

Put it this way...anything you like will, if you join the like-minded, be something you'll no longer like.

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