Friday, April 24, 2015

Make Millions By Moving Immigrant Morons

They don't care if these monkeys live or die?

What a surprise.

The deal is that Muzzy smugglers grab as much money as they can from greedy swine who want to foist their problems on Italy, England, France or some other hapless nation.

Interesting, they have enough money to find smugglers and climb aboard boats heading away from Libya, Syria, Slimia, Scummya and Allah-kazamland. It's an investment, since they know the sappy white governments will never deport them, and instead say, "Come in, don't learn the language, cloak yourselves up to the eyeballs, rape our women, behead our men, and help push the world closer to Armegeddon."

Isn't that what they're basically saying?

Oh, the 21st Century, where we have iWatches and iPads and iPods, and GOOGLE MAPS and CCTV all over, but we DON'T have the technology to keep a dirty tugboat full of monkeys away from the shore?

We also don't have leaders who have the balls to say, "Go back where you came from," and simply turn these fucking boats around?

We don't have the common sense to let it be known that we will no longer be patsies and pussies for the pricks of the world, and illegal immigrants will be fired on from the shore, and any tanker that Somali pirates try and hijack will bazooka the monkeys right out of the water?

No wonder Europe is falling apart, like an old whore with her knickers down and a tin cup near her drooling snatch. She has no dignity, and is pretty much begging and hoping that not EVERYONE will abuse her...despite the tattoo on her ass that says "CLIMB ABOARD" on one cheek, and "BRING ME YOUR PSYCHOTIC, YOUR VIOLENT, YOUR FANATIC" on the other.

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