Tuesday, April 28, 2015

America's Pastime: "DONATE" or "RIOT" (or "KARDASHIAN")

If you live in America, where there's so much to do and all the freedom to do it, you'll find that life actually revolves around the dull monotony of transit to work, work, and transit back home, and three narrow things:

1) Being asked to DONATE.

2) Watching BLACKS protest and RIOT at least once a week.

3) Having the rest of your time monopolized by KARDASHIANS.

I'll skip that last one, since we're all sick of those swine. But imagine my delight when, in trying to get to my Paypal account, I had to pause while they stuck their hand out.

As in: YOU have money because YOU have a Paypal account. GIVE SOME TO THE NIPPLES.

Know what I didn't see? "PAYPAL takes a percentage out of your transactions. Today, we're giving ALL of it to THE NIPPLES."

Why didn't THAT happen?

Why didn't their bastard sister, EBAY, put up a notice, "Today, all seller insertion fees go to THE NIPPLES."


These are huge corporations that won't even let you speak to a live, intelligent being about a problem you might have. They are among the biggest, most influential companies in the world.

YOU are supposed to GIVE YOUR MONEY to the NIPPLES. Not THEM.


The biggest source of amusement for minorities in America is being pains in the ass for everyone else.

It's about the FUN of RIOTING. Or protesting. Or yelling. Or standing around calling attention to yourself.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, there's great joy in any excuse for civil disobedience. This goes back as far as you want to go. Take the hippies...your grandparents, maybe. It was, "Wow man, let's have a JERK-IN, and hassle THE FUZZ. Let's paint signs, har har. Let's try and get arrested!"

Now? People look for any fucking excuse, and TO BE HONEST, it doesn't take much, because there are over 300 MILLION fuckheads in America, and on any given day, ONE black one is going to be beaten up by cops, ONE gay one is going to be beaten up by most anyone, and ONE animal is going to be egregiously abused in some stomach-churning way. And hundreds of women will be date-raped or just plain-raped. But that's not quite worth rioting, is it? Or high taxes. Or anything that might concern adult white people who have jobs to go to.

SO...the big riot is usually from the unemployed blacks who easily find a new martyr and an excuse to burn shit and/or take shit. They act offended and persecuted while their neighbors, also black, go to school, or a menial job, or to the store that these assholes are trying to burn down. Odd isn't it, that there are so many peaceful blacks who find work, and don't feel sorry for themselves or resort to violence. It's just that "entitlement" is the easier way out, and if you're violent enough, it works.

So thanks to the Internet and blacks discovering their roots (ie, watching movies about Dr. King and loving the rioting, but not the non-violence speeches), they're seizing on any incident as an excuse to literally go wild.

Not to get off on a rant here, but this American phenomenon will be the worldwide trend.

Whatever the minority is...Paki maniacs, ISIS loons, African pirates, Arab religious fanatics in general, they are going to riot. Whatever the problem is...your President or Prime Minister or King will say, "YOU people will have to pay with higher taxes and lower services. On top of that, consider DONATING..." And if you aren't infested with Kardashian news, you'll have your own reality-show pig, your own no-talent cunt, your own stomach-churning boy band, or your own dimwit movie star with stubble and an attitude, that the media can't stop telling you about.

This is why more and more people don't watch the news. It's not just depressing, it's monotonous with the greed and stupidity and KARDASHIANS.

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