Thursday, April 16, 2015

Buzzfeed is Corrupt- Gosh Watta Surprise

The "new journalism" of the Internet is to come up with an asshole name (Buzzfeed, Gawker, Huffington Post, TheDecider, etc.) get a few snotty Milennial brats to run it, and then steal content, write anything inane to get "traffic," and pander to whoever you can con into placing an ad.

"All the News That's Fit To Print" it isn't. In fact most of the shit isn't news at all, just overbaked opinion, idiotic lists, and stuff even Piers Morgan would spit at. The NY Post (talk about the pot complaining about the kettle) just exposed Buzzfeed, where an editor left because, well, you don't post anything critical to your sponsors.

The report goes on and on, but neglects to mention a) how much money ANY of these staffers is getting or b) how much sponsors actually pay in bucks or perks. Does Dove give these stinkers money or just free soap?

As with everything in the 21st Century, the games have gotten more petty, crass and ugly. Journalism, literacy and proofreading are harder than ever to find. Egomania and corruption rule.

Of course the basic problem of Capitalism is age old. If you rely on ad money, your radio or TV station, or magazine or newspaper is not likely to be critical of a sponsor's product. If you're on the government teat or rely on deep-pocket foundation grants (BBC, PBS, etc.) you likewise might stay away from certain topics. Which is why a show such as "Real Time with Bill Maher" is on HBO and why some of the best writing is on a blog called disgusted with amusement.

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