Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"You Don't Own..." much. LESLEY GORE will is no thrill - $50,000

"The music should be free. Make money touring! Selling t-shirts!"

Uh, yeah. That's why Lesley Gore only had $50,000.

You'd think she would've had a lot of money in'd THINK it if you had brains up your ass, like Seniormole, Mephisto, Zinhof, Chris-Goes-Rock and other incredibly arrogant and ignorant jerks.

People who were never part of the music industry, and who did nothing but "blog" and steal music, decided THEY knew more than anyone, and thanks to quirks of the Internet, and "try and catch me" loopholes, over the past ten years the "pirates" won.

Yeah, once in a while a fat turd like Kim Dotcom gets hauled into court, and some fat Hansy gets his windmill shaken, and some Devil Bitch huffs because her website got taken down, but mostly, Pirate Bay is still in business, some of the worst bloggers are still around sniffing for "nice comments," and the idiots grin from behind their faggoty "Anonymous" Guy Fawkes masks, "Us bastards have won!"

This "music should be free" shit should've been quashed ten years ago. Well, so should Hamas. And ISIS and other terrorists. But the Internet has made it easy to be a criminal and to enjoy a secret bank account and to even openly use websites for crime.

Lesley Gore was really supposed to spend a fortune in travel (and risk getting blown up in a plane), and in hotels, to play in the struggling nightclubs that charge too much for a cover and a minimum? She was supposed to stay after her concert to try and sell CDs? She was supposed to sell t-shirts and hats to ADULTS over 50 who don't wear that shit? She was supposed to haul a huge suitcase full of t-shirts and hats of all sizes AND the CDs to her gig, and hope to pay the monthly rent??? And royalties were supposed to help? Bloggers thought so, and still think so, because they are soulless, stupid and selfish.

Lesley Gore is just one of many examples of entertainers, actors, songwriters who didn't have day jobs, who thought they were protected by copyright, and who figured there would be income without resorting to Kickstarter or a Paypal "tip jar" shared with some douche bag from Blogspot.

Schoolteachers in NYC earn more RETIRED, from their PENSIONS, in ONE YEAR, than Lesley Gore had in the bank for her lifetime.

No doubt Zinfart and Hans Demented are getting something pretty close as they suck on "the government teat" till they die.

"You don't own...COPYRIGHT," they scream. "Copyright is COPY WRONG. Har har har!"

PS, the $50,000 Gore left behind will probably be whittled down by hospital and funeral expenses, and by the government taking out their "fair share" of "estate taxes," while not bothering to enact laws that would demand fairness on the Internet. Nope. Any fuckface can give away Lesley's music on Google's blogs, or on Google's YouTube, and GOOGLE doesn't have to ask "Do you own the rights, can you prove this is public domain" or anything else. Google, in fact, makes a fortune by encouraging copyright abuse while, like Spotify, tossing a penny for every dollar THEY make in ad income.

"Before the tears fall, I just walk away..."

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