Sunday, April 12, 2015

Who will die on Game of Thrones so Brain-Dead Bores Can Pretend to Have a Life?

Oh, well, in these times of ISIS and HAMAS and suicidal Nazi assholes flying their planes into mountains, of course...

The BIG DEAL this week is the premiere of the asshole's favorite wipe, "Game of Thrones."

Nerds need something..."Star Trek," "Dr. Who," "Harry Potter," "Tolkein" etc. etc. But never has the sickness of sci-fi fantasy been more blatant than NOW. The world seems to have gone nuts over what idiots will DIE on a TV show. Of course, there's also "which idiot actresses will spend most of their time bouncing around topless so 14 year-olds can come in their pants within 20 seconds?"

No, I was never a big fan of any of this shit. A sci-fi movie, sure. But week after week, year end and year out, being concerned about idiots in silly outfits pretending it's "Space 1999?" NO. I wasn't interested in the "Time Tunnel" sending dopes to stupid-looking replicas of historical events, could've cared less about idiots waving flourescent light tubes at each other for "Star Wars," or caring about the world of wookies or cybernauts or the rest of the baby-brained bullshit.

What's disturbing is that what was once a benign fetish has become nefarious and evil. It's sort of like if Playboy magazine began running photos of naked corpses and masturbating dwarfs.

It's one thing to be preoccupied by what bony-nosed idiot in a scarf is the new "Dr. Who," or to argue over whether "Star Wars" or "Star Trek" is better, and it's borderline for people to spend most of their lives "in costume" and studying Elvish, but now we're acting as if a show about sex and violence ISN'T about sex and violence.

That's all it is. I say this firmly, positively, and without having seen a single episode.

Do I have to? I've seen the photos. This is drivel. This is tiresome "keeping up with the killings" idiocy. No thanks. I'm not memorizing the names of glorified softcore porn actresses, not putting a chart on my wall of royal ancestry, nor collecting $50-per-autograph "trading cards." I'm just sitting to the sidelines and shaking my head at the madness of it all.

Are we so dreadfully intent on escaping the reality of organized maniacs like ISIS and kingdoms such as Iran and Syria, that we ridiculously transport it into the future or a peculiar past, and grin over the beheadings and the barbarity and cruelty because, ah, er, some fucking dwarf is in the middle of it, or some idiot chick struts around topless in a room full of candles and terribly corny soundtrack music?

Really, "Keeping up with the Kardashians" isn't SO far below the blasting headlines and drum-beating over the latest season of some shitty pay-to-watch endless drone-o-drama involving swords and sandals...or sleazy guys with stubble who are "Mad Men" (or doctors, lawyers or cops). We're also supposed to be thrilled with the SEVENTH installment of "Fast and Furious" (in theaters now, to box-office-breaking records) and various idiotic comic book heroes in their fifth, seventh or tenth sequel. And we still haven't had enough of jackasses like Vin Diesel and Sly Stallone?

The further from reality and the more violent it is, the more alarmed people should be. It's the sign of a very sick world. We've come a long way from Mr. Kite doing a few somersaults on solid ground: now we're supposed to watch some idiot chick somersault over ten people, explode through a window without getting cut to ribbons, and then fire an assault weapon blowing away 50 bad guys. We're supposed to nod as a cross-eyed Asian woman plays "Watson" to some asshole's Sherlock Holmes. But I digress...

Even when they're pretty good (Robert Downey Jr. seems to now have a lock on both a version of "Iron Man" and "Sherlock Holmes") these films...are pretty fucking bad. All you can say is "they took my mind off my troubles for a while." But there was a time when that could be done by Laurel and Hardy and a few pies.

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