Sunday, April 26, 2015

Bruce Jenner: Role Model or Media Whore, Egomaniac & Killer?

It's a sick world that polishes a turd like Kim Kardashian and makes her famous for slutting it up in front of a camcorder.

It's a sick world that idolizes a turd like Kanye West, the Messiah, whose shitty stinky rap stuff is no better or worse than anyone else's.

And it's a VERY sick world that mewls about what a courageous "role model" Bruce Jenner is, when he's an ugly, abrasively surly mental case. He not only helped turn his daughters into media whores, and participates in a "reality show" circus with his idiot step-daughters, but NOW is even a worse media whore. After all, he's going to cut his dick off just to become a more annoying cunt than any Kardashian. Or his own slutty idiot daughters that he spawned with gruesome Kris Jenner, the world's most obnoxious harridan.

What makes this Jenner junk more obnoxious than even the Konstant Kimye Krapola, is that he's a killer.

He sent a woman to her premature grave.

Yeah. Bruce Jenner is becoming a woman. That replaces the one he killed?

In the wake of the hype over ugly old Diane Sawyer's exclusive powder-puff interview with "actress" Bruce Jenner (he made sure to weep at appropriate moments), NOBODY has mentioned how this egomaniac plowed into the car in front of him. He sent a woman head-on into oncoming traffic and she was killed.

If not for a careless bitch named Bruce Jenner, the woman would be alive today.

I don't say that lightly. Accidents happen. He didn't intend to kill the woman. But to ignore it and trumpet his desire to mince around in dresses? Isn't that a very skewed value system?

He might not, for legal reasons, want to admit that he wasn't paying enough attention to his driving, but an apology, an appearance at the funeral, or some other show of concern would've been helpful. Instead, he's shown the exact opposition, a self-absorbed narcissism.

Meanwhile idiots are cooing and groaning about his "courage" in "coming out." What courage does that take when men have been doing it for over 50 fucking years? People have never heard of transgenders before??

Bruised Jennertalia is a lunatic whose entire existence, and that of his horrible brats and step-daughters, involves "sharing" shit with the public.

Might as well shriek that it was "brave" for Kanye and Kim to tell the world they own gold plated toilets.

Now HERE is the shit.

Rather than gruesome Bruce, how about giving some attention to over a dozen sex-changed women who are models and actresses and NOT trying to get "reality" shows about themselves? Yes, while the Olympic egomaniac used the Diane Sawyer interview to pole vault his ME ME ME ME ME stardom in his OWN OWN OWN OWN OWN reality show about his fucking SEX CHANGE SEX CHANGE SEX CHANGE, many others had the dignity to NOT be CLOWNS in a CIRCUS.

Google "celebrity transgenders" and you'll find 'em. Here are four:

For those who have to wear their genitals on their sleeves, and slobber and blubber and cry and moan and weep for those "born different," send an letters to the four fake-cunts above.

Or better yet, go visit some people born blind, or with a missing leg or arm or who became burn victims and amputees and literal acid casualties. They don't have millions of dollars, publicists or reality shows or the sympathy of idiots who show more empathy for a fucking idiot like Jenner than for their own family or neighbors.

People are acting like a sex change operation is something new. People who think that way have already had a form of sex change...they are dick heads.

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