Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chill Out - More Memorabilia Show Morons Speak

One of the saddest things about these awful "memorabilia shows," is how jerks justify their idiotic fan worship by "blogging" the event. Look, when I went to these stupid things, I actually GOT PAID to photograph and write about 'em. Now these events aren't worth any legit newspaper or magazine's space. I would be bored out of my mind if I had to breathlessly mention that Gilbert Gottfried, comedian and former voice of a duck in a TV commercial, was in attendance. Or worse, have to pump him for a funny quote or two so that he'd make the final cut.

But leave it to dopey nerds to pretend they went to the convention just to "report" on it. No, they went to brag that they got autographs and posed with "stars."

Not only is their copy lame, but the irony, as we see with the London Daily Fail, with horrible gossip shows like TMZ, and the rest of the tabloid tripe, is that these people have ATTITUDE. They think that they are the important ones!

The TMZ buffoons think they have the power to make stars look foolish. And the idiotic amateurs who blog? They figure the stars work for them. After all, the stars are the ones begging for money (just as musicians must beg at gigs with a tip jar, and beg on their websites to please buy the CD and not steal a free download). So these bloggers strut around a convention feeling like big shots, while the stars, sitting at tables and look up, seem to plead, "Buy a photo off me."

Yeah, you stars had better pose with a smile or else! No wonder these nerds can't help but write smug copy about which stars were nice, which ones weren't looking their best, and which ones didn't give them ENOUGH attention.

These bloggers write like they're the new Piers Morgan or worse (is there anything worse??) Below, a few entries from a blog from a typical dweeb with attitude. He complains on his free blog that Gilbert Gottfried (who is notoriously shy, by the way) didn't TALK enough for him. I guess this creep figured that for his $20 Gilbert should've put on a show and told five minutes' worth of jokes. He also neglects to mention that Gilbert didn't just sign a poster or him, but signed FOR PAYMENT. This jerk makes it seem like he's either a pal of Gilbert's, or that he's more famous than Gilbert and entitled to get something signed.

Next entry, he slams Gavin McLeod for wearing a "Love Boat" hat. Note the snide line: "that man knows which side his bread is buttered on."

First off, McLeod knows that people expect him to pose with his fucking "Love Boat" hat on, so he'll be recognized. Second, how hacky to write an ancient cliche phrase like "which side his bread is buttered on." What next, do a mini-bio and say what year in high school "he was bitten by the acting bug"? Oh, I forgot, nerdy bloggers like this don't even bother writing anything about the stars, it's all about THEMSELVES.

This particular wretch, who acts like he got free autographs, is so unsightly he doesn't share the poses with the stars. Usually (see below) even the most repulsive "fan" will do exactly that.

What do you suppose is behind this? It must be this thought: "I can't be that ugly, here's a D-list star posing with me!"

Don't these repulsive pieces of shit realize that fame isn't wiping off on them? That posing with a recognizable or even good-looking star only makes them seem even more ordinary and repugnant?

Here's the start of another verbose blog, with our Fan Nerd mouthing off about what he likes and doesn't like, and it ends with his appraisal that Lee, being cooperative and tolerant of even an insufferable jerk like him, is "recommended" to anyone going to a convention. I'm sure he thought to himself, "Lee was nice to me, I'll be kind, and from my POWERFUL position as an obscure blogger, I'll give her a plug that I'm sure she'll humbly treasure..."

Read that last line, "She was pleasant and gracious." So says somebody unpleasant, ugly and sloppy. HE has a fucking nerve judging anyone. "I would recommend anyone to meet her." Oh, gee, thanks. Coming from a bone-headed slob with a beard like a yak's pubes, that means SO MUCH.

Who'd want to read more from such a moron? I've taken the liberty to remove most of his rambling and egocentric posturing, and re-write the captions to a few select pictures.

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