Friday, September 4, 2015

Picky Cunt Makes EBAY SELLER lose $19,000

Happy Anniversary, EBAY.

"It was 20 years ago today..." that some Muslim-French-Iranian started the company.

The eBay publicity machine is cranking out tons of articles celebrating this, and pointing out those rare, happy EBAY sellers who "make millions a year" on the site.

Pierre, who sold out long ago, was helped by an ugly fat lady named Meg Whitman, in turning the site into the Fascist monopoly it is today.

Fascist? Let's point out one basic thing they don't believe in: FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The real FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

EBAY has "community" pages where people can post problems. However if you post the name of a seller, or an auction number, your post will be removed. Even if you are writing: "Alert, this is a pedophile, look at the auction," and it's obviously a pedophile, NO NO NO, your post is REMOVED.

Now a more major example of Fascism.

What do you call it when a BIDDER can leave negative feedback on a seller, but the SELLER can't leave negative feedback on the bidder?

That's not equality is it? That's Fascism, isn't it?

You can damage someone's reputation and they can't answer back? No wonder some bidders, like petty cunt AMY, enjoy wielding power and making sellers miserable.

Take a look at Amy. She's awfully proud of herself, posing for the camera for "winning" a case and making an eBay seller lose a huge chunk of money because of her EGO, and not their fault.

She had the fucking NERVE to leave a negative because of an error at the post office.

For Fucking Chrissake, a postage due problem?? POST OFFICE shit happens. Why be a cunt and leave a negative about it?

Sometimes the scale at one post office is off. OR the scale at the receiving post office is off. $1 or $2 can be a matter of a few OUNCES, or a typo. LIGHTEN UP.

On the rare times the post office is so petty and has so much time that it re-weighs a package, there are two alternatives. The seller gets the item returned (which is a huge waste of time) or the item is given to the receiver with the option of paying the postage due.

So this cunt Amy decided to pay the postage rather than have the item sent back. She wanted it NOW. She alerted the seller, and the seller offered to reimburse her.

Oh, NOT GOOD ENOUGH for this cunt Amy.

SHE left an obnoxious negative.

EBAY will tell you, "Oh, don't worry, Mr. Seller, a negative or two won't hurt you."

How do they know for sure? If two sellers are offering the same item, and one has perfect feedback, and the other is a mere 99%, I go with the perfect feedback person. And I don't check to see what the complaints were.

It's only if the seller is the ONLY one with the item, that I check to see if the negatives were left by crank morons and CUNTS.

The other problem is that EBAY is run by such FASCISTS, they demand uber-perfection from sellers. They must ship in 24 hours. They will not be able to sell more than a certain number of items a month if they get a few negatives or if they don't run to the post office every fucking day.

This would almost be ok IF there were rules against the bidders too. And there aren't.

There is no way, for example, to know how often a bidder deliberately screams, "Item was defective, I want a refund." Many bidders routinely read the book, copy the DVD or CD, or wear the gown to the party and then DEMAND A COMPLETE REFUND for a bogus reason. Sellers can't leave negatives so they can't alert other sellers to a problem bidder.

That's just one example.

Meanwhile, two stinky LAWYERS decided to teach this eBay Seller a lesson, by pushing the case through the court system in the name of "justice." But who gets the $19,000? Don't THEY get it? The judge is making the eBay seller pay "court costs." That's "legal fees." That's the cost of the two stinky LAWYERS, who got their name in the paper as freedom fighters.

Sure, sure, they only did this because they want to see justice. And NOT any of the $19,000 in "court costs?"

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