Saturday, September 5, 2015

RETARDED Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila - Syrians! TAKE MY LIFE!

Who is a simpleton?

Juha Sipila who wants Finland to be FINISHED.

What a stupid, stupid man. What a sanctimonious fat-faced cheese ball. REMIND ME NEVER TO BUY ANY FINNISH IMPORTS EVER. This country is full of people who really don't deserve to live.

And when they're crawling with Muslims, they will all get beheaded and it'll serve them right.

Ha ha ho ho hee hee. Take MY house, I'm not using it! I'm a rich, corrupt, fat-faced pork-bellied POLITICIAN!

How do you suppose the rest of Finland feels about this? They really want their culture wrecked by a howling mob of religious fanatics screaming to Allah and declaring that women and gays have no rights? That Jews should be killed? That any form of Islam other than their own is grounds to throw somebody off a roof?

Syria. What a LOVELY COUNTRY full of SANE PEOPLE. Not. If it was, it wouldn't be the shit hole it's been since anyone can even remember.

This Juha Sipila simpleton wants to give away his house? What about the other refugees? Won't they think it's their DIVINE RIGHT to take houses too? Push the stupid Finns into the sea? Hey, use your flippers and fins, FINNS, and go paddle through the Mediterranean to Syria or any Middle Eastern country and see the hospitality YOU get.

Doesn't the world notice that the rich, rich Arab scum NEVER invite refugees to live in their countries?

It's only stupid white bread retards that do that, and they regret it.

Go ahead, FINLAND. Be like Holland, where an ancestor of Van Gogh was murdered, and a fucking cartoon led to a fatwa. Be like the United States, which saw its iconic World Trade Center leveled to DUST with thousands of people inside. Be like England, where the bus blew up and a train station and there were photos of a woman rushed from the scene with a burn mask over her face. Christ only knows what she looks like now. If she survived. Be like Spain, where there was a massive train wreck. Check out France and all the other countries where these miserable Muslims run rampant, create "neighborhoods" that are "no go zones," and are ready to slit your throat if you ask them to dress like normal people and not murderous cloaked mummies.

FUCK you Juha Sipila. I sincerely wish for your anal rape, before your fucking head is severed from your fat blob of a body.

Oh. And GERMANY, the Kraut-brains who NEVER get it right:

Ach, the irony of it. The country that spawned the crazed "Master Race" theory, is now going to go down in literal flames. Fuck Mozart's symphonies, let's hear strident tunes on an OUD. Out with your heathen pork sausages, just get on your knees like dogs and lap up plates full of hummus. Enjoy the white slavery of all German women as they are forced to perform sex acts that are even more degrading than the shit-eating that is so prevalent in the country's porn. Muslims Uber Germans.

Why don't the Palesteeeeeee-nians welcome these fucking Syrians? Or the Jordayyyy-nians?

Fucking stupid Finland and jerky Germany and the other nations who kicked out Jews and now welcome the Muslims: BURN, BABIES, BURN!

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