Tuesday, September 20, 2016

2 Boobs or NOT 2 Boobs

There are several tit-centric items in the news lately.

One interesting one concerns Emma Watson, who allegedly has a lopsided pair. The "comical" Jihad site (it's always hilarious when actresses are treated to Muslim-esque curses) got hit by Emma's not-too-competent legal team.

Jihad was told to remove a particular picture. So?

So Jihad replaced the one offending image and posted another, with a wry caption

It's surprising the assholes bothered to remove the offending see-through blouse image at all. What, they don't have a server in CROATIA?

And why didn't Emma's people tell the site to not post ANY pictures at all? Why give them so much publicity AND let them post fakes, too?

Idiotic Emma, like most every bitch who makes movies these days, has had plenty of wardrobe malfunctions, and moments where her wayward tits (or twat) has almost come into view.

The irony (need I mention it) is that there's a website where over THREE HUNDRED raunchy images are being SOLD, and her legal team could easily file takedowns. They haven't.

The excuse with the Jihad site MIGHT be that they run a "news site" and you can't take images down when they involve public figures. Or if the claim is "parody." But you CAN remove illegal PRODUCT. The auction website where over THREE HUNDRED raunchy images are being SOLD should be served with DMCA's. Why not? Too many hoops to jump? Emma doesn't know about 'em (because she's a princess wrapped carefully in cotton by her handlers) so its ok? It doesn't help that her handlers, who NEVER are identified in news articles (it's just "a representative for Watson said...") are hard to find and are putting their client at risk by their "don't bother us unless it's a billion dollar deal" attitude.

Emma was in those stupid Harry Potter movies, and this has turned on thousands and thousands of jerks who desperately want to see her in "fantasy" gang-bang scenes or simply taken down a peg via an upskirt image. Oh, misogyny, it sure gets aroused by any degree of purity. "The more she denies 'em the more they demand her," sang Mr. Carroll.

The Jihad site thrives on making fun of women, pointing at them like they're nothing but brainless cunts, and using the one running joke about being Muslims and thereby superior to white chicks. Har.

No news article on the Jihad site mentioned WHAT law firm served the papers. Even Smoking Gun hasn't published the takedown letter. So we are left perplexed with why they picked on the stupid Jihad site that only attracts assholes, and ignores the auction website that is far more commercial and has much more traffic.

Moving right along, another name in the news is David Crosby, but for the usual reason: the fat asshole has been called an asshole. Graham Nash says he won't work with David anymore, but he's said that to a dozen reporters, and mostly with the caveat, "But never say never." In other words, if David can mend fences with Young (David having called Darryl Hannah a homewrecker or something), Graham will sniff the big money and come running.

Graham will also say anything to call attention to his concerts in increasingly smaller and more obscure venues. These shows are attended by Huelbigs who think it's a big deal to pay for "V.I.P." seating and get a "meet and greet" photo opportunity.

Christ, you have no idea how fucking difficult it is to know a Huelbig couple who have poor taste in music and go to a LOT of these horrible events. They love to send e-mails in which they are seen, bug-eyed and giving toothy smiles as they stand next to some has-been from the 60's or irritant from the 70's. Yes, the pose is ALWAYS the same...the idiot who thinks it's such a huel of a big deal, stands next to the has-been with the wide eyes and open mouth of a child. Something about these events affects the eyes and the mouths, which go out of proportion to what is going on. Which is NOTHING. Curb your enthusiasm and DON'T show me your stupid photos.

People aren't OVER a jerk like Nash by now? Or Yuseff Cunt Moonshadow? Or Muppet-Face and his Eccentric Light Bulbs? Or the Gunkees? Keeee-rist, it's such an effort to be tolerant and say, "How very fortunate for you" and "Wow, third row, huh? Wish I was there."

But I digress.

Crosby mostly gets attention for being so repulsive. News sites love to laugh at his big MAN BOOBS.

He may have undergone a mastectomy since THIS embarrassing image was taken.

Speaking of mastectomy...the big news of the day is the divorce of "Brangelina."

As pushy cloddish oafish TMZ notes, the duo haven't been seen together and SPIED ON since July.

IF I'M BEING (brutally) HONEST, it's been quite a while since Angie was hot. In fact, she's one of those women whose heat gets shunted to the back burner the more often you see her. After a while, ok, the long black hair, the piercing eyes, the puffy lips...seen it. HERE HERE and HERE. What else ya got? Oh, not quite a Bardot or Loren, are you?

Same thing happened with Kate Bush, didn't it?

But again, BEING (brutally) HONEST, Bardot, Loren and Kate did not undergo breast surgery. Angie did. That's a dealbreaker, no matter how you reconstruct 'em.

Isn't it well known that guys are craven? Even "Good" guys like Brad? Brad stuck with her. Here's a guy who could have any bitch on the planet. He stayed with her, despite the surgery. Despite seeing her with no make-up. Despite...SIX goddam kids of varying stupid nationalities?

The guy had to be a saint. For a while.

It turns out he has "anger issues" and "substance abuse issues." WATTA SURPRISE. Being surrounded by six piglets would drive anyone to drink. Add the pressures of stardom, and a wife with mammary problems...you can't blame the guy. Well, you can, and she does, but really, the man had good reason to be pissed off and pissed.

Mostly, as is our theme here, blame it on TITS. Emma's got wonky ones. David had big ones. And Angie's got reconstructed ones, and has anyone seen a "before and after" set of photos that showed a perfect job of plastic surgery?

Things are bad all over. Nobody's getting along. Nobody is guaranteed to have a happy day. Nobody is in total control or immune from assholes.

There's always tit for tat or tattered tits or some kind of stupid twat (hello, Shauna, thought it was time you got a mention again!)

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