Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Cat Came Back - Mr. Muslim-Sensitive

Aw, come on everybody, let's embrace the Muzzies. The more they massacre people, the more we should LOVE them. It's the CHRISTIAN way.

And what better way to FEEL GOOD about the Muzzies than to go stand around some hippie-dippie outdoor stadium cheering that mild-mannered, ultra-sensitive YUSUF CAT STEVENS.

Who? Steven Demetre Georgiou. Who became Cat Stevens. Who became YUSUF ISLAM.

NOW? Now he's billing himself as Yusuf Cat Stevens.

Ahhh, the PEACE symbol. Don't you LOVE IT?

Yes, the guy who sang (er, GROWLED) "Peace Train."

Cat Stevens had two modes: the mewl and the growl. For most of his songs, he'd put on this phony mewl, singing in a quivering, sensitive, pleading voice: "Ewww baby baby it's a wild world..."

To show emotion in a song, he'd switch to a throaty growl: "Here comes the PEACE TRAIN!"

Basically he was either a wimp or a brat throwing a tantrum.

This kind of crap got him the adoration of co-eds everywhere. He specialized in fanciful whimsies, and in an era where retarded twats were discovering Tolkien, he sold his albums with children's book illustratins and lame titles like "Teaser and the Firecat" and "Tea for the Tillerman." He seemed a pretty harmless Dildo Baggins. James Taylor had "Fire and Rain" and Cat had "Wild World."

Eventually Taylor and Stevens went out of fashion with their monotonous sound-alike hooting. Taylor fucked Carly Simon for a while (as Cat Stevens had, earlier) and took drugs. Stevens took the opposite route and became became a psycho Muslim in a beanie, with a beard, and little glasses. He decided that if the music world wouldn't accept every shitty sound-a-like song and make it a Top Ten hit, he'd pull a fatwa and declare the music world DEAD. Don't call me Cat Stevens. I'm Yusuf ISLAM and GOD loves me, so I don't care if YOU DON'T.

This Greek British freak decided he was an Iranian or something. When crazy Ayatollah Kockamamie held US soldiers as hostage, when Iran called for the destruction of Israel, and Rushdie was threatened with death for WRITING stuff where was Yusuf? Piously devoted to the destructive and vicious insanity.

Asked if he'd participate in burning Rushdie in effigy, Mr. Sensitive said he didn't see any point to it — because it wasn't burning the ACTUAL MAN.

Ewwww baby, baby, it's a wild world, indeed.

Cat Stevens was one of the shittiest, most pretentious, most inept songwriters of the 70's. His best known song is a condescending piece of drivel. "I'll always remember you like a child, girl." Right, this pedophile can't hold onto his 12 year-old (he should've fucked her at 7 or 8 like Mohammad did with HIS child-brides). As the 12 year-old wanders off looking for nice clothes to wear and other things a lot more fun than sucking a greasy Greek's dick, he pulls a "feel sorry for me" act, and then darkly warns "there's a lot of bad and beware." Yeah, Mr. Positive.

This clod was always a user, always a player, and he knew exactly how to create a persona that would get him the money and the ladies. Like Ringo strutting around waving the peace sign, this fucker would snivel and strum, and act humble, and the next thing he knew, he'd be in bed with Carly Simon and other easy-lay hippie chicks. Eww, baby baby, that Cat Steven was such a NICE guy. Yeah? He had no reason NOT to be, considering he was making millions of dollars and just had to wander around looking like a puppy and get any admiring bitch into bed.

But then the hits stopped because he was a one-trick moron. So he became a religious fanatic. Yeah, who needs royalty checks? Wear a white pillbox hat and a woman's dress and sit around pondering Allah.

And tell people it's a good idea to kill a WRITER. How would that putz feel if some sand nigger in a robe declared a fatwa on HIM? "Kill Cat Stevens, he is an infidel who sings to women he is not married to. He offers frivolous songs. He is not devoted to God like WE are."

Fast forward a few decades, and he got bored with his hummus. He got tired of sitting around with his Koran and his figs. He had an age crisis and wanted to be surrounded by adoring women again, and he couldn't if he was in a sandbox somewhere dressed like an old woman. He came back and...STARTED BOMBING.

Only he didn't do it with gunpowder in a backpack, he did it with shitty albums under the "Yusuf Islam" name. They were even WORSE than the shit from Macca or Elton or Paul Simon. They were truly BORING BOMBS.

Maybe people didn't realize "Yusuf Islam" was "Cat Stevens?" NOW they do. NOW this user is booking himself for hippie-dippie festivals and singing the OLD songs that people recognize. He's YUSUF CAT STEVENS, and he's pushing himself as some kind of Muslim ambassador. "Hey, the Muslims have a rock star. The Muslims can't be that bad. Let's all go to a Cat Stevens show, which we figure won't be interrupted by Isis! Let's all do the wave! Let's flick our cigarette lighters and wave them! Ewww, baby baby!"

Except we're talking about the little prick who said Rushdie's assassination would be a GOOD thing. The KILLING of a WRITER was a GOOD THING. He, the Ayatollah, and GOD approved!

Let me put it this way, the other world-famous Muslim, Muhammad Ali, did NOT say it was a good thing. Muhammad Ali, in fact, went to prison rather than kill anyone, even North Vietnamese.

Today, Yusuf Cat Stevens is telling everyone to STOP bringing up the Rushdie story. Because...it might affect ticket sales.

So, oafish, overweight, idiotic Pollyannas who remember this jerk from 40 years ago, flock to his shows and grin when he sings "Wild World." And they don't think HE contributed to this being a "Wild World?" They don't think that his interviews agreeing to the death of Rushdie influenced others to become fanatic Muslims and to harass non-believers?

Delusional Muslims think a "Peace Train" is something that runs over Christians and leaves them in pieces. Radical ISLAM jerks think killing is justified for writers and cartoonists and gays and Christians etc etc.

Yusuf Con Artist is ba-a-a-a-a-ck. And, eww baby baby, it's a wilder world than ever.

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