Saturday, September 17, 2016

Amazon sez: College Bookstores Shouldn't Sell Books

Books? In a college bookstore? FUCK THAT!

Millennials know better. Go to Amazon and get it delivered. Who doesn't LOVE Jeff Bezos, one of the world's richest men? Let's not wonder why he's not so charitable. This guy isn't exactly giving away money to make the world better, is he?

He's a greedy megalomaniac cut-throat bastard who has killed the book business with his Kindle just as he destroyed music with his Amazon downloads.

Once, briefly, AMAZON seemed like a publisher's best friend. Even the smallest publisher could reach everyone, and not worry about a Mom and Pop store NOT taking their title on consignment. Once upon a time, AMAZON had free shipping and no tax. Then they began dictating to book companies. They refused to take books from companies that didn't play ball.

Bezos doesn't LIKE authors OR books; he deliberately destroys new book sales by pointing buyers to used/reviewer copies. Book buyers on Amazon are baited to getting a LIKE NEW copy from an Amazon used book dealer, one who forks over a higher percentage of the profit to Bezos than publishers.

Bezos coup-de-grace was KINDLE, which he aggressively put on the front page of the website at a bargain price. Great, with a KINDLE, people could simply BOOTLEG BOOKS. Does Bezos care? Not when they buy his KINDLE to do it.

And now?

Authors are working for chump change. As with the music industry, publishers are muttering, "We have no budget for promotion. We can't afford big advances. Piracy is terrible. We're being told (by AMAZON) to keep our list price down. AMAZON is competing with us as a publisher, flooding the market with cheap-shit typo-filled garbage."

The NY Times reports that "The Queens College bookstore went digital in April, forgoing brick-and-mortar altogether. Students order their books online, then have them shipped to personal addresses." Thousands of college bookstores will do what Jeff Bezos dictates: "Eventually, students will be able to order texts for delivery to an Amazon area..."

Amazon is still toying with DRONES to deliver items like a DIRECT HIT. PS, despite the supposed boom in mail order, the U.S. Post Office continues to run deeper and deeper into debt, and there's always the threat of shorter hours, less staff, and post offices being shut down.

Oh well. The college bookstore (any bookstore) is no longer a place of refuge, a place to meet people, a place to quietly browse books. You go to a bookstore to order COFFEE or look at the latest Kindle or Nook, and it's full of screaming brats and yappy cunts on phones.

You want to know about books, you just type in the topic on Amazon, read what various assholes have to say, and order it. Or NOT. Fiction? Oh, fuck THAT. All YOU need is the latest shit from Rowling, George Roly Poly Martin, Stephen Big Ugly King, or Pudgy E.L. James. Get whatever James Patterson's ghost writers have written from formula. Go buy the by-the-numbers genre fiction like 'Cozy' paperback mysteries fat ladies read while eating candy, or whatever ridiculous sci-fi shit-tar is oozing out of Tor these days.

Millennials would rather chase Pokemon anyway.

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