Monday, September 26, 2016

OH, CAN-A-DAHHH, you get to see KATE and her BRATS!

Most days, what The Royals do do in England STAYS in England. Thank God. they STAY in England? Of course not. Kate and Baldy and the brats are prone to taking trips to other countries to show themselves off and be "ambassadors."

Er...doesn't the UK actually HAVE ambassadors? America does. There are a lot of plastic people, ex-actresses, and other mannequins who show up at banquets and balls JUST to be figureheads for the home country. Caroline Kennedy as an ambassador to Italy or somewhere.

The Geek Squad (er, the Prince and Duchess, or Duke and Douche, and the two spawn) are now in Canada. This is BIG news.

Somehow, American websites figure Canada is close enough, so why not devote endless coverage to this ridiculous event? There's been a day-by-day tally of how much Kate spends on her outfits...


If the commoners are stupid enough to adore THE ROYALS and keep up the archaic "class system," and consider homely morons to be their superiors, let 'em. ONE day the UK will be so full of Muzzers the "tradition" WILL be over.

That these idiots pick up and lah-de-dah themselves to Europe, India, or fuckin' Canada...should not be a reason for the host country to lose touch with reality, or for the general media to pick up on it.

WHY are these idiots in Canada? Nobody cares what goes on in Canada. Canada's relations with the U.K. surely don't hinge on whether a few million frozen Canucks get to glimpse The Royals.

Just how much longer is this farce going to continue? When will Kate start fucking stablemen and chauffeurs? When is Baldy going to be seen with an incredibly ugly horse-faced woman? Or man?

As vapid as these two are, when are they going to get bored with themselves and these dull, stupid rituals of waving to idiots and sitting around having stodgy meals with boring twits? Are either of these dimwits going to be able to keep up this charade all that much longer?

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