Tuesday, September 6, 2016

In France They'll Kill On Main Street - Allah, Mama!

Oh, that's just a Joni Mitchell reference, ye who remember when people cared about the English language.

The news today? France doesn't have enough MUSLIMS. The rape-desiring female mayor of Paris wants to create spiffy welfare hotels for hundreds of immigrants. Of course, one hotel will be ALL men, and the other ALL women.

Paris citizens are delighted. Who wouldn't want to have a home or a tourist-dependent business next door to 400 fanatics with armpit beards, all bellowing in Arabic? And who wouldn't feel comfortable with the glares from burqa-wearing bitches who might have grenades in their bras, ready to kill 20 or 30 infidels in a coffee shop?

Brigitte, you have championed taking care of animals...not ANIMALS.

You must be bitterly disgusted by all of this. But cheer up, know that Mayor Anne will get the daily gangbang she's been craving.

Paris deserves what it will get: a physical destruction of their landmarks, and the cultural destruction of their language and way of life. They haven't learned that immigration in the 21st century is foolish, dangerous, and not necessary.

France, England, Germany, the United States and others have enough poor of their own, and enough unassimilated assholes without importing more. The cultures of these lands are already being diluted by jerks who won't speak the language. There are parts of these countries that look like Mexico or Syria or HELL. At one time you sought out "Chinatown" or "Little Italy" for a tourist-friendly day of fun. Now you can wander into a no-go zone, and limp away without a limb.

How STUPID to bring in trouble! Isn't it much more sane to improve living conditions where these jerks actually live? Why let Costa Rica or Brazil or even Syria become shit-holes? These places HAD culture and HAVE beauty and it shouldn't be ruined by 21st Century Mongrels.

The Bitch Mayor of Paris and her dickhead President must be figuring France will never win an Olympic event or tennis title unless they've got some swarthy darkies coming in. Too bad that for every one who might win a medal, there are a dozen who wil turn ingrate and blow up a church or two...ah, c'est la vie! Or, c'est la mort! LOL, eh?

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