Monday, September 19, 2016

Who's a Filthy Ingrate? Ahmad Khan Rahami

WHAT a surprise. NOT.

Who was behind that New York/New Jersey rash of exploding pressure cookers and bombs in garbage cans?

An Afghan piece of shit named AHMAD KHAN RAHAMI.

Or to quote a line from a Marx Brothers movie: "That's my argument, restrict immigration!"

The gutless fat cowardly slob slunk around planting bombs, and when he was caught, and told to put his hands guessed it, he pulled out a gun and started firing at the cops.

Too bad the fat fuckface wasn't stripped and dragged through the streets.

They scraped the shit off the sidewalk and made sure to take him to a fine, fine hospital. No doubt he'll be getting fine, fine halal food during his recovery, and get to meet with holy men of his fine, fine religion to help him pray to ALLAH.

These amateur dumb-as-shit Muslims get caught pretty quickly, even by inept cops and retarded politicians. The other day, Capybara DeLousio, the big dumb blockhead mayor of NYC, was insisting that the bombing on 23rd street was "not a terrorist" action. His new police chief (the other one got so disgusted he quit) told reporters that the bombing was NOT related to similar garbage can bombs that went off the previous day in New Jersey. Ohhhh, nooooooo.

Speaking of weird mayors, Khan-job, the Mayor of London was in the USA to tell the world how wonderful Muslims are.

Why, there are MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Muslims and most of them don't do any harm. They just smile and watch others do it for them.

Mayor Khan-job sez it's simple to prevent terrorism. You just tell those few troublesome Muzzies to behave themselves and resist "radicalization."

Hey, it's THAT simple. Somebody should've told Ahmad Khan Rahami the Scumbag, "What? Why get your Camel-stench knickers in an uproar? You should be happy you emigrated to America. You must know some very nice people who happen to be Christians and Jews. You wouldn't want to have flying shrapnel hurt anyone. Gosh, maybe a MUSLIM could be walking by, too. Or do you think Allah would deliberately punish an infidel MUSLIM by letting him get hurt? That any Muslim who got hurt deserved it?"

Meanwhile, no word on whether the crack police force has caught the obnoxious faggot who used the bombings to pretend HE did it, and HE was making a statement for gays. He made anonymous calls insisting the bombings were retaliation because gays aren't getting their rights.

Yeah, typical cunty coward faggot cocksucker, using some other guy's aggression to sneak in a feline squeal about GAY RIGHTS. At this point are the cops just shrugging about this? "Oh, we can't pursue it, he's gay, he'll make a stink in his panties, and he'll mince around with lipstick on, getting more publicity for himself. He'll end up the new lead singer for Queen. Better just leave him alone."

As for the REAL asshole, Rahami, will anyone risk being anti-Muzzie and delve into his family and how the fuck he got into this country?

The news is "the bomber was caught. Let's all be relieved." And let's not admit the reality, that this prick will likely get off with a year or two in jail. At best, MAYBE he'll be departed back to Falafelville, Afghanistan, where he can take a camel to a bus to a train, to catch a boat to a bus to a train and go attack some people in Belgium, France or the U.K.

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