Monday, September 12, 2016

Niggas, I'm with TITS UPTON

Tits Upton has the right idea.

The latest moronic sulky Nigga shit stinking up America is "let's all sit when the National Anthem is played."

Yeah? Why's zat, My Niggas?

"Uh, da anthem wasn't written by KANYE?"

Come up with something better.

"Da anthem doesn't mention Niggas?"

Come up with something better.

"There was a stanza left out that mentioned Niggas! And, uh, da guy who wrote it wuz racist, yo!"

Sorry, Niggas, but Tits Upton still has you beat. And when a woman who is JUST BOOBS has you beat, YOU IZ A SORRY PACKA NIGGAS, Niggas.

Yes, Kate is absolutely right. We stand together in strength. Which is what happened after 9/11, 15 years to the day when four stupid Niggas decided to take a knee.

Where were these Niggas 15 years ago?

Did they sit at home saying, "Oh, the Arabs knocked down buildings that had almost NO NIGGAS, so fuck it. Not our problem."

Did they say, "America's a racist country so we deserve it?"

Back circa 1968, a few Olympic athletes raised their fists when they won medals, to protest race relations. Since then, we've had a black president. He's in office RIGHT NOW. PS, one man at the Olympics, George Foreman, chose to RESPECT his country, and when he won, he did NOT raise his fist.

Blacks continue to make themselves ridiculous with their whining. "Black Lives Matters," they shout, after rioting to get new TV sets and computers and sneakers. After defending some asshole who usually has a criminal record.

Are there serious problems for blacks. Sure. But there are also serious problems for Muslims in America. For Jews. For Christians in some places, too. Things are bad all over, yo. Latinos complain (you just don't understand them in their nasal Spanish).

Somehow it always falls back on the sulk of, "We wuz slaves 150 years ago." As if that's never happened in history, Niggas. Ever hear of JEWS, Niggas? Ever hear of the Muslim Conquests, Niggas? Ever heard of Napoleon? The British Empire? Hitler? Columbus? Attila? Face it, races conquer other races. They grab land. They do nasty shit.

Why don't you niggas on one knee go tell your story to the Dali Lama? This is a man without a cunt.

Er, WITHOUT A COUNTRY. (Damn, spell check).

The fucking Chinese got their rice dicks in Tibet, yo.

The Chinese make slaves of their own children, yo. Does that mean you're NOT wearing your fucking $500 Nigga Nikes? I don't think so, YO.

The big thing with Niggas is they protest where there IS no protest.

How lame is it to protest a stanza that is NOT in the National Anthem, and that almost nobody even knew existed? You invent shit to whine about, Niggas. That's LAME.

How lame is it to complain that Francis Scott Key was a slave owner? Half of the fucking UNITED STATES was for SLAVERY, yo.

A lot of the most famous Americans were slave owners. If they weren't they probably wrote something racist somewhere. Why not complain that TODAY Donald Trump is saying racist shit? That there are people in this enlightened times who think Niggas are Niggers? How about the Muslims, yo? Some of you niggas are Black Muslims, like Ali, but you give a pass to the ISIS bastards who would happily bomb your black asses back to Africa.

KABOOM, and they'd yell Allah Akbar watching your black ass go sailing.

Jesus how fucking dumb. What a fucking waste of time.

You know you've got a waste of time when TITS UPTON is making sense.

Come on, Niggas. Tell me you wouldn't want to fuck Tits Upton. So would white guys. So would Latino guys. So, most likely, would most hypocrite Muslim bastards. We DO agree on some things.

It's just a little pathetic that the protest originated with a pebble-headed Brillo-haired rich bastard football player. Somebody told him (he's not exactly a scholar, this smelly moron) that he shouldn't stand for the anthem: "Yo, my Nigga, dat Key guy owned slaves. He wrote a stanza in which he actually had DA NERVE to complain about Niggas working with the British to KILL HIM!"

Man. Now it's spread to other teams and it's a whole big "scandal."

It'll fade away. What's the worst that happens? More idiotic niggas sit down? Idiot fans sit down? Wonderful. Let's have blacks all declare...what? That we should change our fucking National Anthem because they don't like what an ignorant guy believed in 150 years ago?

What next? Go check out everybody's policy on Niggas. Then go check Roger Waters on Jews. Or Richard Wagner. What was that Michael Jackson song with "Sue Me Jew Me, Kick me KIKE ME" in it? You got a reason why KIKE should be in a song? Wanna tell me Mikey the Pedo was just being IRONIC or something?

Let's be the Thought Police and anyone biased should be forced out of their jobs until they believe what we believe.

What if the CUNTS get hold of this? What if TITS UPTON decides that she doesn't like people disrespecting her because she's got big tits? What if she says that every guy who ogles her, and every guy who calls her TITS UPTON should be boycotted? What would the National Football Team consist of, if every player who disrespects women was fired?

Where would we be if every NFL player who hit his wife was fired?

Where does it end?

I'll tell you. It

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