Monday, September 19, 2016

Ahmad Khan Ratface and the Muzzie-Backlash

Got a special interest?

Once it became known that Ahmad Khan Ratface is the jerk who was planting bombs, and he's a MUSLIM, all the SPECIAL INTEREST groups began screaming.

The far left? They Twattered and Waddled about how the fat-faced greasy Muslim "does NOT represent ALL Muslims," yappity-yappity-yap.

On the other side, people went after Ratface's restaurant in the most basic, childish way possible: leaving nasty, witty "reviews" on YELP.

Being the oh-so-responsible website it is, YELP began shading the negative reviews, declaring that they were protecting a store that was the subject of an "active" news story, because, why, people MAY be leaving reviews not based on actually having BEEN in the restaurant.

All together now: AWWWW.

Liberals rallied behind the prick's restaurant, declaring it served fine, fine food (it's a hole in the wall for greasy fried chicken).

The far right? The Trump bunch brought out the stereotypical hate MEMEs, with, of course, either overt praise of Trump or digs at Obama and/or Clinton.

Humor is just about the mildest response to a very serious problem: religious fanatic assholes blowing shit up.

As the story's unfolded, this Ahmad Khan Ratface turns out to be just your typical self-entitled religious fanatic asshole. He did NOT appreciate his adopted country. He sneered at how the faggots weren't being rounded up and shot. And he certainly didn't like that the Americans weren't responsible parents like him: he knocked up some Arab bitch, refused to pay child support, and somehow had all the money to disappear for months and months into Afghanistan, and then come flying back to New Jersey again.

WHO, running a shitty hole-in-the-wall restaurant has all that money for international travel??

The interesting backstory is that this pudgy ingrate and his family of retards, fanatics and Bedouin bedwetters were always an anti-social collection of creeps.

What HASN'T come out, is just what a fucking cesspool these little towns in New Jersey are, as well as various shitty neighborhoods all over America where immigrants fester.

As anyone who has had the misfortune of driving through New Jersey knows, there are poor, crappy towns that ONCE were prosperous, such as ELIZABETH and LINDEN.

ONCE upon a time, these were just suburban towns inhabited by ordinary people, including those with families. A guy with a modest job who wanted to raise a family bought a little house, lived in a crappy town on Long Island or New Jersey, and commuted into the city for work, or got some dopey job IN the crappy town.

Some ten or twenty years ago, a lot of these towns began to change. "White flight" happened. Property values fell.

Who the FUCK is living in Linden, now? Obviously the scummy Muslim bastards who ran that slimy fried chicken place were NOT catering to other Muslims. They were catering to the large population of blacks who love their fried chicken. They were catering to all kinds of poor slobs who can't afford anything better than junk food.

The difference is that most of the creeps in Linden and Elizabeth accept that they're "po' folks" and that's that. They have no education so they have minimum wage jobs.

The Muslims? They think they're smart. They believe in ALLAH. They think everybody in America is an INFIDEL and THEY are the chosen people.

PS, the other Chosen People are also making nuisances of themselves in New Jersey (as well as Brooklyn). The Orthodox Jews are only less obnoxious because they aren't violent. They are also arrogant, ugly and antisocial. All they want to do is breed and indulge in whatever perversions they happen to like (killing and eating chicken is high on the list) and being utter hypocrites.

An inconvenient truth, and one that nobody dares talk about much, is that immigrants are festering in shitty towns and turning them into slums. They are creating no-go breeding grounds and the game is to out-breed the others. People act as if it's the immigrants vs Whites. No. It's also immigrants vs OTHER IMMIGRANTS. These Muslims didn't like serving blacks or Pakistanis or anyone else in Linden. That's part of their murderous rage. They were staying open late at night to feed a bunch of low-life assholes and drug addicts and INFIDELS. What they really wanted was to serve nothing but hummus and goat, close down by 10pm, and spend most of their time washing their feet and being ridiculous.

The tragic truth is that all over the world, NOBODY gets along.

NOBODY wants to be near another ethnic group.

The failed theory is that immigrants should come in, do the dirty work, live humbly, and be happy to be alive. The MUSLIMS don't buy that. They want everyone to be MUSLIMS. They'll KILL to get their way.

The world is being fucked by idiot politicians who, to goose the economy, turn a blind eye to reality. "We need immigrants," they howl. They give immigrants special favors, too.

Merkel and other lunatics are stubborn and stupid. The Merkel bitch saw Berlin fall the other day, with her party getting very few votes. She STILL won't back off on immigration. She still won't see the truth, which is the danger of adding millions of religious fanatics who don't believe in the customs of their adopted country. So it is, that the Somali assholes take over areas of Minnesota, and Muslim jerks stake out areas of New Jersey or New York or California, and on and on, all over the world. The ethnic groups have always clashed but now that we have Muslim fanatics who really think they'll be rewarded in heaven for blowing themselves up, it's worse than ever. Not every Irishman was ready to blow himself up along with a few Brits, just to meet Sweet Jesus a little sooner.

At best, a white Southern redneck or some dimwit Chav may only disrupt traffic, or run naked in a parking lot, or go on a drunken rampage and beat the wife, or spray graffiti on cars. But more and more are Muslim and violent.

The world is getting too damn used to anti-social morons who are intolerant of others.

People who are intolerant of others should be kicked in the ass and sent back where they came from! Pack a lunch of fried chicken, Ahmad, and go to Afghanistan AND STAY THERE.

More vasectomies. More birth control pills. More condoms.

Nice going, Ahmad Monkey-Face. You're gun-waving bomb-making bullshit Muslim lunacy only gave MORE ammunition to Trump and the Republicans.

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