Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Muslim? Scream yell and get everything.

Black? Scream yell and get everything.

Latino? Scream yell and get everything...in your own language.

Gay? Go on a hunger strike till you get your FAKE CUNT.


Isn't prison supposed to be PUNISHMENT?

Aren't you supposed to NOT do stupid shit because YOU WON'T HAVE FREEDOM TO DO anything you please, like wear dresses and finger an artificial hole drilled where your balls were?

Who was Manning? He was an ASSANGE asshole.

He figured he could steal government secrets, anybody's documents and LEAK them, like a woman pissing all over a toilet seat.

In the old days, if someone was RADICAL, they were willing to DIE for their CAUSE.

Not Manning. Once caught, HE began to mewl and burble about being a WOMAN, and wah wah wahhhhh, "I wanna be a woooooo-man! Let me primp around and take my hormones and you people should PAY for my operation!"

After various drama queen stunts, the latest being to go on a hunger strike and not eat dick, SHE got her way.

Very interesting psychology here, don't you think?

As a GUY, with short hair and big ugly glasses, Manning had the daring idea he could fuck up the world, along with ASSHOLE ASSNANGE. He gets caught, and he suddenly turns into a fairy princess, and declares he's a harmless SHE.

Give the jerk an hour of therapy a week. That should've been IT. Paying for elective surgery? When did sex change chance from cosmetic surgery to something like getting a new liver? Gays are screaming that people were in the wrong body from birth (for which there is NO proof) and the government has to take care of this?

Serving 35 years, with, one assumes, NO conjugal visits from anyone, WO-manning needs to be given a government dick job?

Be careful what you wish for, BITCH. If the government is hacking at your crotch, you could end up being nothing but a Piers Morgan, neither here nor there.

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