Friday, September 30, 2016

Steve Cunts: The fat man moans for Tyson Fury

IF I'M BEING HONEST, I don't really mind Steve Cunts Bunce. You get used to blowhard sports reporters. It's how they get attention. They need a colorful (grating) voice, or an unusual (fat or ugly or both) look. They've learned that to be opinionated is a GOOD thing.

But really, any self-important asshole on GooTube could've taken a minute to be boring and obvious in commenting on dimwit yob Tyson Fury testing positive for cocaine. Cunts wasn't even opinionated, unless you count him moaning that it's a "tragedy" and a "disaster" that a self-absorbed selfish shit-for-brains couldn't stay off drugs.

Blah Blah Cunts said: "It is a mess…a tragedy for Tyson Fury. It’s a terrible end to what should have been a brilliant reign as heavyweight champion.”

We get this dumb statement after waiting 15 seconds for a commercial? How's that for value? Waste 15 seconds of your life to hear 60 seconds of blabber from Mr. Blubber (who uses a picture from 20 years ago when he weighed 20 stone less).

After this dull comment, time is up. You only get 60 seconds and the new segment (his project for the future of the division) won't begin till AFTER ANOTHER 15 second insult to your intelligence.

Cunts told us that Fury will be stripped of his titles and we'll have four different champions. Duh. They'll then fight each other: "The only good thing to come out of this absolute disaster that happened to Tyson Fury is by the end of 2017 we might have just one heavyweight champion.”

Gee, you couldn't get THAT kind of brilliance on GooTube...unless you checked out any of GooTube's 200 or 300 hundred would-be Bunces or Kellermans (the goggle-eyed jerk from HBO). There's no shortage of jerks who like to sit in front of a camera and act like what they say is worth hearing.

Thanks to England having so many champs these days, "Big Daddy Bunce" (as he calls himself on corny and witless does it get) seems to be called on by American websites as the "expert" on anyone with an incomprehensible accent who is actually speaking English.

No, Cunts, this wasn't an "absolute disaster." A disaster would be if Big Ben fell on top of the bastard. A disaster would be if one of your farts knocked over Audley Harrison (and it's very possible Audley WOULD go down from something like that).

Tyson Fury is an arrogant stupid fool got caught. He did it to himself.

No great loss here. He was a crappy boxer. He was more of a personality, if you LIKE loudmouth braggart bullies with bad personal hygiene.

Let's also remember that this big goon was dropped by a cruiserweight (Steve Cunningham). He became champ beating a guy almost twice his age in a sluggish fight where nobody did much of anything. He's hardly a major talent and would probably have been decked in two rounds by Anthony Joshua or Deontay Wilder among others.

"A tragedy for Tyson Fury," moans Cunts. It's a comedy for everyone else, "big daddy." A big laugh: "Look at the Yob, taking the fall like he did after a Steve Cunningham punch." He was a boring loudmouth boor and now he's a has-been. Maybe one day he'll end up in a jail cell with nothing better to do than give blowjobs to Herbie Hide. What a mis-named moron. Tyson Fury? Crapfaced Cokehead is more like it.

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