Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Abolitionist JOHN BROWN, Orlando TV apologizing for KUNTRASHIAN RANT? Say NO, John

Everybody hates morning "chat show" idiots. And afternoon "chat show" idiots. These housewife pacifiers give nominal news coverage, and then waste time with recipes, "celebrity" guests nobody's heard of, fashion news, and TONS of celebrity tripe.

JOHN BROWN in Orlando, saddled with a typical dimwit blond twat named Amy Kaufeldt, had just about enough when, yet AGAIN, the "news" story was about one of the Kardashian/Jenner media whores. This time, OOOH OOOH, the report was that KYLIE JENNER got a bunny rabbit for her birthday, and just happened to "share" this via camcorder.

Who WOULDN'T want to spend a minute looking at Kyle Jenner's bunny rabbit and saying "CUTE, CUTE, CUTE?" JOHN BROWN.

He actually got up and mock-quit.

Naturally, John had to sit his ass back down. Cunts like Kaufeldt DEMAND it.

She obviously RULES the show, and for him to stay off camera for at least the length of the segment, or until they switched to another topic...well, he didn't have the NERVE.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, American men are PUSSIFIED. It gets worse every day. CAITLYN JENNER obviously is a good example.

From major bitches like Megyn Kelly at Fox News and Kathie Lee Gifford at NBC to indie station dinwits like Kaufeldt, BLOND CUNTS absolutely RULE. They whine, squeal and squeak and GET WHAT THEY WANT, because their audience is 90% stupid bints with nothing to do all day besides eat and maybe cheat with delivery men.

No wonder so many males on these shows are either gay or hopeless wimps and buffoons. No wonder many shows have NO men at all ("The View" and Sharon Osbourne's copy of it) or feature lesbians (the fabulous Ellen Degeneres).

To his credit, John STILL refused to discuss Kyle Jenner's bunny rabbit. He kept muttering "I've had enough of The Kardashians," and other woeful moans that anyone with a brain would agree with.

Meanwhile, some cunt named Jenny Castillo, the "guest nobody's heard of" stepped in and read John's copy for him. As you know, Florida is a cancer, and most of the fetid terrain is blotchy with Cubans. Castillo is a host at "RUMBA 1003," a radio show that you can bet does NOT play Beethoven or Elvis Costello.

La Castillo giddily read ALL the moronic copy about Kylie's bunny rabbit, and even teased John that if he had an 18 year-old daughter wouldn't he want her to name a bunny rabbit after him?


While Snow Queen Kaufeldt, held onto John and made sure he wouldn't bolt off the sofa again, all he could do was haplessly repeat that this was not news.

The whole thing is on GooTube, of course.

So what's happened?

It looks like the revolution will NOT be televised. It looks like John Brown is backing away from all controversy.

Blond Bitch Kaufeldt has spun this as a forgivable incident in which her trained sidekick got out of hand because he's "a nut." Or something. And he won't be doing it again.

For his part, knowing how fucking IMPORTANT the goddam Kuntrashian clan is, and freaky Caitlyn Kenner and her spoiled slutty daughters, John Brown's been giggling wanly, saying he meant no harm, and that really, really folks, he LOVES every bit of stupid prattle he's handed every single day. And he does NOT want to lose his gig being a stooge for the bitch alongside him and the bitches in the audience.

What I'd like to see is John Brown be a MAN, and say, "I should've walked off the show completely, but I'm a professional. But that's IT. No more trivial shit about these media whore nightmare cunts. NO MORE."


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