Thursday, August 13, 2015

Mayor Bill DeBlasio? NYC Does Corruption BETTER

Some politicians hide their corruption. Arrogant Big Bill DeBlasio, the lousy spaz, does not.

He was always proud to be a disgusting hack. He had absolutely NO credentials to be mayor. He was an "aide" to hack Mayor Dinkins, the man who almost turned the city into a 24/7 race riot. Then he became a "Public Advocate," a do-nothing job that gets a fat salary. Then, during a fractured primary that had him up against a horny Jew, a fat dyke, a scheming Asian and a black hack, he won by default. His Republican challenger had no charisma and DeBlasio played the race card (with his fugly black wife and two black children) and told the dominating Black and Latino voters that he'd make sure the cops NEVER do their job.

The result? Racial incidents (the fabulous Garland case for example), homeless in the streets, a soaring crime rate and...shit like this.

It's a done deal and all the outcry in the world won't change it.

This block-headed bastard does whatever he wants. If the Republicans can't find a real, solid leader (Giuliani and Bloomberg were both really Democrats who ran on the Republican side) this pig might even get re-elected. And from there? He wants to be President, of course. That's why he spends most of his time OUT OF THE CITY, giving speeches, meeting with the Pope, and hanging around with movie stars in California.

Maybe there are more corrupt little Southern towns, but for a major city to have someone so crude, blatant and corrupt is truly astonishing. DeSpazzio knows that he doesn't need affluent rich white people. He's got dumb Blacks and Latinos who don't read a newspaper, don't notice a few extra murders in their neighborhood, and who figure a guy with a fugly black wife and two showy black kids is perfect. Yeah, perfectly corrupt.

And no, Bill's promise that the first thing he'd do when in office...get rid of the carriage horses plodding around Central Park...has NOT been done. Horses don't vote and none of his friends are in bed with one.

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