Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hitler & Mussolini - Google Robot meet Amazon Drone

The other day I mentioned that Mussolini Bezos wants to blacken the sky with DRONES that deliver packages to Yuppie scum and Millennial morons.

Not to be outdone, the Little Hitlers at Google (and Sergei Putin Brin) are developing a ROBOT, which I guess will pursue you with a Google map and Google glasses if you do anything they don't like.

Pretty scary, the GOOGLE ROBOT.

I still think Amazon's worse. Iran still talks about wiping Israel off the face of the map, but how about Amazon?

They want to wipe MOM AND POP STORES off the face of the map, and everything else.

The New Order would be for everyone to get hooked on Amazon's powerful ability to offer bargain prices (thanks to having NO stores).

Amazon drones help deliver everything SUPER FAST (with no humans to pay).

Everyone will be tethered to their "Amazon Prime" account, and slowly, Mussolini Bezos pulls the big switch. He raises the prices. He raises the "free shipping" option yet again. And then he creates his "Amazon Warehouses" where the Mom and Pop stores once were, and the Big Box stores he put out of business.

Yes, once he's wiped out stores, he'll bring them back...all of them AMAZON stores.

We've seen the consolidation of car companies, book companies, etc. We've seen how once powerful broadcasting companies in America have been bought by Comcast and Universal and Fox, and turned into mere tools of giant corporations.

Rising rents and a bad economy work so well in Amazon's favor. Just like Hitler declared that it was good for Germany to "expand" into other countries, and great to get rid of the Jews, Amazon is declaring that their expansion is GOOD. They're promising a BRAVE NEW WORLD by getting rid of Mom and Pop stores and the post office and whatever "big box" chains are still standing.

Meanwhile the New York Times published a piece exposing Amazon for treating their workers like, well, WORKERS. DRONES. Oh well, Amazon can ask Google to take care of the Times. Just declare that bloggers and websites can freely copy off the Times' PDF each day, and keep giving a free pass to KICKASS and other torrents to do the same.

Most newspapers are operating at a loss and it won't be long before it's all GOOGLE NEWS. And everyone will be brainwashed into loving it. "Why, it's right on our screens. We don't even need it delivered by a DRONE or a GOOGLE ROBOT."

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