Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Liam Payne in the Ass - One Direction Faggot Can't Take NYC

Aw, poor baby.

Snookums was upset about being in the BIG CITY.

There was a picture of this faggot -- I didn't know who he was -- I thought maybe Boy George got a hemorrhoid removed and named it LIAM PAYNE.

I thought, who IS this jerk with the faggy mousse job on his hair, and the silly cowboy hat slapped against the back of his head? What's he bitching about?

Is this Hopalong Snotwipe, some kind of effeminate replacement for Sam Smith?

Turned out he's a One Direction baby, TWEETING like a forlorn bird, about how mean NYC was to him.

You'd think this pussy would be used to big city crowds by now.

From Fabian to Peter Noone and from The Monkees to One Direction, if your audience is primarily screaming twats age 12-17, expect "enthusiasm." Or don't play the Chords of Fame.

But don't whine like a seasick NAMBLA member because girls want to take selfies with you.

He also didn't think that REAL men in NYC would curse this punk out for being ridiculous, ostentatious, and acting like the reincarnation of Princess Diana?

Look, Little Prince, you and your faggots need to stop blocking traffic. Go take your fucking limo to Central Fucking Park, and go set up at a shitty free field so that ear-splitting bitches can howl at you. Be grateul that a desperate morning TV show is giving you ALL this FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PUBLICITY when your group is just a boring buncha Biebers dropping the same musical rabbit pellets time after time.

DON'T start huffing and puffing on TWITTER, little bunny.

Gee, Liam we all feel your Payne.

It's tough being a pubescent Morrissey...all primp, drama queen foolery, and huffy-sniffy sensitivity over JUST when and where you'll make your next dainty appearance.

The difference is Morrissey has talent and you don't.

You heard some New Yorkers swear at you and say "horrible things." You were smart enough to have bodyguards and to vent your limp wrist on a keyboard. If you challenged ANY New Yorker you wouldn't have a toogh left in your pie-faced sappy head.

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