Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jewish Women Killed - Good News Daily News?

Here's an unusual newspaper headline.

What was the thinking in the office? "Hey, two Jewish women died! Ha! That'll serve 'em right. This will grab the readers and tell those Jews to stay safely in Brooklyn and ride the subway, and not be STUPID and drive a car in Arizona!"

"You bet. This will be good news to Muslims. They are a growing population in the city."

"Right. Two Brooklyn women isn't really such a grab. Two JEWISH women. Oy! Ha ha ha!"

The rest of the story.

For a change, the "Comments" section had a bunch of people with the same reaction: "WHAT the FUCK??"

The Daily News is under no obligation to explain or apologize, so they won't. They know that every Internet website, from Amazon to Ebay and back, can do whatever the hell they want.

As for their tabloid rivals, the NY Post...

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