Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Aye, when it comes to cheap, NEVER forget the SCOTSMAN.

Here's an enterprising book lover - or rather, book raper - from DUNDEE, who is fucking MARTINA COLE.

"10 Martina Cole Ebooks Collection. **The series are Kindle Edition Ebooks and not paper books** Type: Ebooks (EPUB files). However, PDF and MOBI versions can definitely be available for you if requested."

Obliging bastard.

This DUNDEE dip also likes Rowling, the lady behind the "Harry Potter " books.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT," Madame Rowling, because you're so rich you don't care if thousands of dollars go into the hands of craven pricks like this Scotsman?

You might not need the money, but other authors do. They are being bootlegged, too, and the more of this shit that goes on, the LESS money publishers will have to spend on ANY author. And as Sam Spade said (maybe you heard of that literary character) "It's bad for business. Bad all around."

Authors should not be raped and their livelihood strangled because nobody's bothering to do anything about it.

Go listen to Phil Ochs and "Small Circle of Friends," which was inspired by the Kitty Genovese case.

EBAY crime can be prevented. It's not happening on an obscure torrent in Russia where jerks are insisting everything should be FREE (and the torrent owner makes a fortune off it).

All it takes is a minute or two to check eBay once a week, and another few minutes to copy off auction numbers and e-mail them. That's ALL.

If you don't do that, you deserve to be fucked, Ms. Cole?

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