Sunday, August 30, 2015

VMA - Vulgar Moron Awards - when will Miley Cyrus die? And take Kanye and Nicki with her?

Yeah, the VMA, Vulgar Moron Awards were on last night.

The idea is to see who is going to act like the stupidest whore, monkey or drug addict. Remember when it was "about the music?" Who makes MUSIC anymore?

BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Which of these four stories makes you the most BORED?

Viley Virus was promoting this shitty show on the Jimmy Kimmel blabfest a few nights earlier. She wore pasties on her tiny tits, and this was enough to make Kimmel leer and and claim to be intimidated. A grown man with a wife and kids, and he gets unhinged because a bubble-headed little snot comes prancing out with big pasties on that almost obscure her little tits?

She was preening about how she LOVES to go around naked, and how much it shocks people.

Not as much as if she said something intelligent.

So, big surprise, she did her best to have a "nipple slip" on the show. Why does ANYONE care about an androgyne with tits the size of marshmallows? She is really one ugly chipmunk. How stupid is the world that this repetitious media whore can excite people with the same dumb tricks?

Kanye called attention to himself. That's news? Anything that monkey-faced chump says can instantly get a whoop from the idiot press? As if anything he says means anything. That's like shit announcing it's hoping to attract flies.

Icky Nicki? Starting some kind of bitch war by shouting about Viley Virus? She should just use her mouth for sucking cock.

And lastly, Justin Bieber proves he's just a little bitch by crying and sobbing because he wasn't booed at the show. What did they do, stock the audience with 13 year-old girls and autistic cows?

Lennon gets killed and these assholes are alive and well.

Isn't it about time one of these morons has an overdose, or dies in a plane crash?

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