Sunday, September 6, 2015

Zieg Allah! Hooray, Nazi Germany Invaded by Syrian Maniacs

Ironic, isn't it? The country that tried to exterminate Jews, is about to be exterminated by Anti-Semites.

Ha ha ho ho and ach du lieber!

Fuck you very much, Germany. According to the slanted MEDIA, you people are delighted to welcome dangerous psycho religious fanatic immigrants.

Most will not learn your language. They will not learn your customs. And they or their arrogant spawn will behead you in the street.


Make SURE your roaches stay behind YOUR fucking borders. They do have a tendency to scuttle under fences and through the sewer system. They made a shit hole of their country, they'll make a shit hole of YOURS, and it's likely they will simply make a shit hole of everyplace except the North Pole.

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