Sunday, November 30, 2014

Amateur Rapper Anthony Elonis, the White Asshole: My Murder Threats are just FREE SPEECH

I hope Anthony Elonis spends the next four years gang-raped down the mouth and up the ass.

THAT, you dumbass white nigger, is free speech.

Declaring that I'll jam my dick down your throat or up your a threat, and NOT "free speech."

But a dumbass white nigger like Anthony Elonis is supposed to know the difference?

In that sense, I feel badly for this no-brainer, because over the past 10 years (the time it's taken for white rap to be considered anything but a joke), the "first amendment" has taken more of a beating than Del Boy did last night against Tyson Fury.

Let's stop it right there for a moment.

We already have the main reason this asshole was sentenced. There's no "just kidding" about "I'm not going to rest until your body is a mess, soaked in blood..."

The ex-wife is supposed to sleep at night thinking that's a JOKE?

Inflicting emotional stress is often NOT considered as awful as physical pain. That's why some asshole can slip on the sidewalk and get $100,000 for "pain and suffering," while somebody who is rendered a nervous wreck, sleepless and anxious because of harassment, is just told to take a Valium and "get a grip."

We've seen in courtrooms all over the place, that at best, a "restraining order" is granted to psycho bastards who have violently attacked a spouse, with threats to keep doing it. Spouse gets killed? Oh well.

It's time to take the spoken word and written word a bit more seriously (except for comical insults hurled at people from THIS BLOG).

For 10 years or more, the Internet has distorted what the "First amendment" is, and "Free speech" is all about. To the average buffoon, "sharing" stolen music is "free speech." Throwing somebody else's camcorder footage or TV show or record album on YouTube is "free speech" or allowed because "it's for educational use and review." Strutting up and down a subway platform saying "I'm gonna cut you" is supposed to be "Free speech" too.

No, there's copyright. There's slander. There's libel. And it's about time the bastards of Google and the rest of the Internet scum understand this and respect it. It's about time the people living in the real world get some relief, too, and don't have to simply ignore threats and insults and demands, and walk away taking deep breaths, and then a few tranquilizers.

The rest of the piece concludes with: "The Obama administration says requiring proof that a speaker intended to be threatening would undermine the law's protective purpose. In its brief to the court, the Justice Department argued that no matter what someone believes about his comments, it does not lessen the fear and anxiety they might cause for other people.

'The First Amendment does not require that a person be permitted to inflict those harms based on an unreasonable subjective belief that his words do not mean what they say,' government lawyers said.

The National Center for Victims of Crime, which submitted a brief supporting the government, said judging threats based on the speaker's intent would make stalking crimes even more difficult to prosecute.

'Victims of stalking are financially, emotionally and socially burdened by the crime regardless of the subjective intent of the speaker,' the organization said."

This Elonis asshole thought he was being another Eminem. Another cowardly piss pot spouting misogynistic and violent garbage for the amusement of himself and other pieces of useless shit. Anyone believe this Elonis bastard wouldn't get his scrotum fed to him if he even went near his ex? That's not the point. The point is that it's time to tone down the threats and the hate talk (unless you're Muslim).

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