The good news? Meh...he doesn't necessarily want ALL Jews destroyed. I guess he has in mind Meh Ginsberg, who is a fine tailor and can make lovely dresses for the sheiks. Then there's Meh Finestein, a top mohel, who could easily start to work circumcising clits. And Meh Howard, who with his brother Curly can make the Arabs laugh via eye-gouging, blows to the stomach, and raking a sharp saw over a bald head.
On the advice of Seniormole, an old prune who drinks a lot of wine (or maybe an old whiner who drinks a lot of prune juice), I will now "say something nice about the Ayatollah."
It's this: unlike Hitler and his Nazi pals, the Ayatollah and his Islamaniacs don't mince words. They don't pretend that they want to give Jews a vacation at Dachau, or that they aren't invading Poland just looking around, or that they simply have a lot of toy airplanes that they'd like to fly over Great Britain delivery exploding "bundles."
Nope, the Islamaniacs are so confident, such religious fanatics, so loaded with megalomania, they will openly tell the world that they hate INFIDELS and will BEHEAD THEM. That means: wipe Israel off the map (and start fresh with gleeful, happy Palestinians), and, oh, blow up some churches, shoot some doctors trying to help Ebola patients, and rape nurses attempting to give flu shots to children.
Kill all Jews? All Christians? Oh, not necessarily. Some can be put to work as slaves, after all. Some might be allowed to live if they convert and solemnly promise to spend their lives washing their feet and praying a lot.
Another nice thing about the Muslims. They, like some of us, HATE the 21st Century. The difference is, they want to go back to the 15th Century.
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