Saturday, November 8, 2014

Trending on Bing: STUPIDITY

What? You can NOT be serious? Mary died?

Fortunately I already heard about Richard Schaal (a nobody) dying. I could see it was him in the photo, and not with Mary Tyler Moore, but Valerie Harper.

Doesn't anyone at BING proofread? Use editorial judgment? Know that saying MARY TYLER MOORE DEATH is a STUPID THING TO DO??

I switched to the inferior BING because I couldn't stand googly-cute GOOGLE and their fucking daily CUTIE drawing.

I wanted a quick way to get news headlines WITHOUT annoying Google drawings and other Google garbage. So I end up with illiterate twats at BING who can't write a headline correctly?

Their idea of "trending" news is something about the fucking Loch Ness monster? A bad headline hinting Mary Tyler Moore died?

If only literacy was "trending" on the Internet.

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