A Polish blockhead bought a ticket to a Morrissey show JUST to heckle him.
That's the Polish idea of amusement.
Either that, or Ignacy Slobslav Dumbasski was accompanying his boyfriend and wanted to end the evening early so he could get it up his Dumbasski.
Morrissey had begun to talk to the audience when the Polack interrupted and started heckling, apparently making jokes about the star having cancer.
Morrissey said, "That's not very nice," and said he wasn't going to continue whatever confession/story he was going to tell the crowd. He receded as his band began to play, and that was it.
First, let's take a look at how snickering, ignorant hacks (TMZ) reported it:
That's why I'm not a fan of retard-enabler Harvey Levin, who is getting even for all his obscure years as sideline analyst at "People's Court." In that job, all he basically does is interview morons about whether or not they agree with the verdict. With THIS gig, he is the star, and he does it mostly by invading the privacy of celebrities.
Levin, who is a walking cancer, doesn't have reporters. He has oafish teenage boys. Like Fagin, he sends these unartful clodders all over town with camcorders to pester celebrities. If they can get the celebs to play along or make fools of themselves, fine. If not, they find camcorder footage other people took, or they simply use news about an upcoming film in production or being released as an excuse to mock the male stars appearing in it and offer obnoxious compliment-insults on the women.
Harvey, pretending to wet his Depends, sits above them with his hand to his forehead, giggling like the little girl he actually is. In the sweaty, pissy world of "Celebrity Gossip," other than Darwin Porter and Perez Hilton, NOBODY is worse than Harvey Levin. He's such a gutless coward, letting his boys do the dirty work for him. THEY said the rotten things, not HIM.
TMZ could only report that "something" was said, and the heckler ran loose on stage and couldn't be caught, so Morrissey felt "unsafe" about continuing. Ha ha ha, he and his band should play "duck duck goose." Real wits and great reporting at TMZ. Not.
Here's a portion of what a real newspaper reported:
Morrissey is one of the few rock performers out there who actually has anything to say. In an era of apathy and hedonism, nobody seems to go to any kind of club to hear protest songs of any kind, or cheer anyone with a social viewpoint. This guy at least reminds people that vegetarianism is an option, that dwelling on mindless sex (gay or straight) isn't all there is to life, and that the planet can't exist if people are greedy, stupid and careless.
So a Polish prick decides to heckle him? Some asshole a while ago threw a bottle at him?
People are complaining that he's a wuss because he stopped performing. Two words: John Lennon. As it is, Morrissey (and all performers) are risking their lives these days. As John Wilkes Booth proved over 150 years ago, enduring fame goes with picking off somebody famous. In a theater.
It's up to the venues to control the monkeys, drunks and morons who come in. You pay for a ticket; that doesn't mean you are "ENTITLED" to yell shit, or take videos so you can make YouTube money, or do anything else to disturb the artist or others in the audience. I hope Morrissey has it in his contract that he CAN legally walk off if there's a disturbance or he's losing control of the crowd.
At worst, he's making it harder on himself to get bookings this way, but he's better off, and most artists should follow. It shouldn't be up to the band to hire Hell's Angels to sit in the front row.
Even professional comedians don't like hecklers. Joan Rivers, who could easily fire back and roast anyone with ad-libs or prepared squelches, DID NOT. A heckler had to shut up or be ejected. You don't disrespect the artist.
I doubt any artist would get sympathy in the press in a case like this. Maybe Taylor Swift! Otherwise, it's "so what, you're getting paid more in a night than I do all year. Let's see you sweat a little. Worry that you could be shot or maimed. Suffer for your fame and fortune."
The only other thing Morrissey could've done was stop the show, ask for the houselights to come up, and have the audience point out the asshole and have the asshole ejected. And then worry that the asshole would be waiting at the stage door with a Molotov cocktail. Disappearing before anyone knew he was gone...was probably the better strategy.
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