Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Fergie Burns, Diego the Wetback Spatters Red

Greetings from the United States of Predictable.

Human nature never changes. Like New Year's Eve, Americans need at least one yearly race riot to blow off steam and feel good about themselves.

I'm not kidding. Do you think the monkeys who burned down dozens of stores (after looting them) didn't feel good about it? How about the whites who make sure not to live near any niggers, but came rushing down to Times Square to be part of the protest and yell their lungs out? Sure beats screaming at rich niggers at a basketball or football game. It's an event!

Now here's Diego the Spic, a professional asshole agitator. You think he cares about niggers? Of course not. He just wants a chance to throw fake blood on a honky. Not just any honky. The Chief of Police! Nice going, Diego. He's counting on not even being charged, because the cop isn't going to give this wetback any more fame, or a day in court to rail and scream and become a greasy martyr.

It was easy to see that most of the "protesters" in Times Square were middle-class whites, and hormonal jackasses like Diego who leap at any chance to carry a sign and shout. Some of 'em will probably be at Friday's "anti-fur" march, not because they hate fur coats, or don't eat meat, but because they're bored and want to be at an event, and have a need to yell and frown, and take selfies of themselves protesting. They can then call themselves "activists" with a clear conscience. One or two days a year of yelling in public sure beats actually working for a cause in the unglamorous ways of sending out press releases, asking for donations, or actually donating money.

Ha. Better to go out into the night and have the adrenalin rush of being in the middle of an exciting protest with cops safely outnumbering the protesters!

A dangerous game? Not really. Not much more than New Year's Eve when maniacs drive drunk. Go out on New Year's Eve and you could be in the same trouble as marching over poor unarmed Mr. Brown while in New York, San Francisco or anywhere BUT Ferguson last night.

A dangerous game? People get killed on Black Friday when they rush madly into stores that are running "First 10 people get the bargain TV set."

The danger was in Fergie, but the residents there are lowlife morons. They face violence so much (black on black) they aren't exactly worried that some other black will steal away the stolen laptop computer or the $400 pair of sneakers. They also know how to torch a building and run.

The papers are full of headlines: "Ferguson Burns! Night of Rage!" All that shit. Yawn.

There are black politicians making names for themselves by standing around shouting, "We won't take it! We will get HOT (ie, burn stuff)." Nothing ignorant black voters like better, than to elect some agitating loudmouth who'll be corrupt, funnel money into his own pocket, and merely take a few high profile moments to be bellicose.

People too young to have enjoyed the REAL fun...the L.A. Riots, for example, or the death of Dr. King, make do by turning minor events into major catastrophes.

What happened to set this off? The MEDIA happened. But if you believe the cop, it was Michael Brown who was being a nigga. He was asked to stop (for his own safety) walking on the road with his nigga pal, and walk on the sidewalk. He was politely asked a second time. Brown of course was not going to take any criticism from a white cop, and called the man a PUSSY, and dared him to shoot, and eventually, despite warnings and gun shots, Brown kept lunging forward and making threats. Ordered to stop or be shot, he chose to be shot.

That's the story. The cop was supposed to let this "unarmed" monster tackle him? Punch him? Maybe get his gun and shoot him?

The other side, the ignorant side, is you don't shoot an "unarmed" man no matter what. And no matter what drugs he might be on, no matter what concealed weapon he might have, no matter how rabid he could be, oh, if he's not armed, leave him alone. And go get a fluoroscope or somethin' to make SURE he's unarmed.

That he ignored shots fired at him because he was convinced the PUSSY cop wasn't really going to shoot to kill, says more about Brown than about the officer. An officer should've known better than to even "nicely" suggest a black man do anything normal. Like walk on the sidewalk. Michael Brown was seen on a surveillance video shoving a store clerk just a few hours earlier. It's possible this kid was into being a bullying bastard out to provoke people? Nevermind...


THE MEDIA dictates this is the last day to get riled up about poor Michael Brown who was obviously minding his own business, not belligerant, never said nuthin' to no cop, and didn't lunge at, threaten or attack no cop.

Wednesday it's "let's shop for food and drive or fly or take a train to our relative's home." The MEDIA will be happily doing those same dumb boring "Look at the holiday traffic" reports, plus "oh oh, be careful, there COULD be a blizzard, stay tuned for the weather" teases.

This is followed by Thursday's "Yum yum, this is THANKSGIVING, let's relax, eat all day and watch football."

You can bet that on Thanksgiving there will magically be no news about Fergie or the late Mr. Brown or anything but FOOTBALL, FOOTBALL, and MORE FOOTBALL. The media will direct everyone to FOOTBALL games with plenty of commercials and ads telling people to snack, snack, snack, and wash it all down with BEER BEER BEER.

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