Saturday, November 8, 2014

NY Grossed : Naked Man is Front Page News?


The truth IS in the headline: "JUST ANOTHER..." So why feature it on the front page of a New York newspaper? Maybe some clown in Kentucky never saw anything like it, but New Yorkers? I don't think it's possible to live in NYC and NOT have a similar story about nudity on the subway or moronic drunks.

What I find interesting, as reported in the Daily News, is that the guy's picture was TAKEN DOWN by Instagram for being "inappropriate."

The confused writers mixed things up in their "Seinfeld" reference. "Not that there's anything wrong with that" was a catch-phrase Jerry used in discussing queers. An episode of the show did have a scene in which Jerry started up a conversation with a fat nude guy who wasn't drunk, just some kind of nudist crackpot. It probably lasted all of one minute.

What's vaguely interesting here is that the weather in NYC has turned cold and nasty. It's doubtful that the subway was so warm that this guy had to strip down, no matter how drunk he was. Then again, who the fuck cares? I guess the editorial bored over there thought, "Do we insult Obama again? Is there a good murder? Well HERE is a variation on the usual wardrobe malfunction..."

I'm sure this has happened many times in the past, but oh, we are SO fortunate that now, everybody has a cell phone camera, and we have a newspaper stupid and classless enough to run a photo on the front page.

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