Most anyone living in America knows SOME Spanish, thanks to those who refuse to speak English.
Good, Mr. President, reward thieves and rapists! As in:
I guess he's smirking because he's done such a humanitarian thing. He's legitimized the maids of rich people in California, and gardeners in Arizona. Not to mention a whole lot of thieves and rapists in New York and Texas and Florida.
What IS the point of immigration, in countries that are already exploding with over-population and suffering from obnoxious foreigners who won't learn the customs of their new land?
What IS the point of rewarding people who snuck in illegally? It's basically saying, "OK, we're too lazy to deport you. You WIN. We won't ruin your FUN in getting welfare, food stamps, chittering in your strange language, scabbing jobs from native-born people, and generally being maggots, parasites and pests."
Aw, SOME of these illegal immigrants are worth keeping, aren't they? NO. Fuck NO.
If they can't get in legally, which every Muslim psychopath can do, which tons of Russian mafia can do, they are too stupid to be here and they'll probably never learn the language. The best they'll do is wave a leafblower all day, or wash dirty diapers for some Yuppie scum jerk who should do it and take responsibility for having a shitty brat.
This is the type of thing that makes Republicans and tea-bag assholes STRONG. Obama does a wimpy, ultra-Liberal thing that grates on just about everyone EXCEPT illegal aliens, and he just makes the opposition even more determined to block the GOOD things he does.
His decision was so unpopular that none of the four major networks bothered to interrupt regular programming to air his speech. NO network wanted to devote time to his smug declaration that five million mostly Latino moochers, low-lives, wetbacks, greedheads and parasites would now be granted amnesty. As if anyone was suggesting the government spend any time and resources in flinging them back where they came from. Nor did the networks want to give more attention to what is basically a "Hey, I'm a wimp, a sap, a friend of anyone who isn't white" speech.
There was nothing in the speech about why there's LEGAL immigration, which is to make sure the people coming here are documented, sane, can speak English, and have job prospects. Considering how badly the FAIL is on LEGAL immigration, imagine what the majority of the ILLEGALS are like. Great, they can now come out of the woodwork like the roaches they are, and demand their welfare and food stamps and everything else. ImMOOCHgration is what it is, MUCHO MOOCHERS en Los Estados Unidos.
I used to thank Spanish was a lovely, lyrical language, until I began hearing it nasally bleated by a lot of low-life scum.
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