It's not only a shitty song. It's full of shitty performances. A bunch of mostly pasty-faced sanctimonious rich assholes wanted the chance to "emote" in front of a microphone and a camera. That's all.
Look at a sample from the YouTube video of the recording session.
They're getting off on singing a few trite lyrics each, and hoping to out-do everybody else with an agonized expression. YOU dear listener, are a fucking asshole for being ignorant and insensitive! Don't you know there are some Africans eating bat shit and fucking each other and being stupid about a plague? WE DO. So send money!
You know how safe this is being played? Two words: BOKO HARAM. Nobody's singing "Do they know it's Christmas" about 200 girls taken away by Muslim terrorist apes. Nah. Fat-faced potato-brained SAM SMITH doesn't have the guts for that. Or Chris "let me stick my dick in an inane bitch celebrity" Martin. Those guys already look over their shoulder and cringe behind a bodyguard if they see a nigga nearby. They're not taking chances by raising money for people to put down BOKO HARAM or rescue innocent girls.
It's all in the timing. There simply hasn't been a recent FARM AID (ps, farms are still fucked, and GMO's are making every meal we eat a health hazard). There hasn't been a good tsunami to get behind. The Japanese meltdown of nuclear waste wasn't quite "catchy" enough.
Geldof, the "Do They Know It's Christmas" guy, was waiting for his chance to strike. He had his eye on the ebola scare. Once a few people in America got it, he pounced. Without America, home of iTunes, you don't get the BIG publicity push.
As a fellow blogger pointed out, there are so many reasons to detest media hype like this, and the easy games Geldof and Bono play.
After his spot-on report on the long history of Geldof The Useless, he raised a key question: DO THEY KNOW IT'S CHRISTMAS in the MUSIC INDUSTRY?
Let's keep the race card. After all, pulpy rich whites LOVE them blackfaced crew, the ones they feel SO superior to. The "white man's burden." OK, how about black songwriters who had a hit but were screwed out of the royalties? How about singers in classic R&B and doo-wop groups of the 50's and 60's, who ended up as janitors and maids who did oldies gigs on weekends for a base fee and maybe transportation?
DO THEY KNOW IT'S CHRISTMAS when members of BMI and ASCAP get an annual royalty check that's chump change?
How many of the fuckers who sing on these Geldof garbage recordings ever even do the minimum of having somebody in their vast office report the blogger pirates who smugly give away their work? Nah, nah, Sinead, and Coldplay and Sam Smith, you're making so much money and you don't want to look uncool. So you do a sappy Christmas song and then to go your chiropractor to help you pat yourself on the back. As one of the other bloggers pointed out, you have ZERO concern for your own kind. It would cost nothing to stand up for the human rights of other musicians. Get some adoring fan to be your appointed DMCA enforcer. The fan would love to do it, freeeee. It would send a message that ALL music should be paid for, not just a shitty charity one-off where the money get sucked into the pockets of greedheads in Africa.
The lick-ass press is busy pointing to their favorite vanilla and chocolate-vanilla (SEAL) participants and cooing about this self-promotional self-serving bit of pandering pussified pap.
No, not a single "performer" here did a good job. How's it possible with the mewling melody and lackluster lyric?
A million bucks raised in five minutes through the miracle of kneejerk saps downloading on iTunes? Yeah, great, they save so much by bootlegging everything else off the bloggers and the torrents. "Oh, OK, I'll buy THIS piece of shit for $1.29, and that entitles me to "share" and "trade" the new Dylan set, the latest Neil Young, and everything else. And gee, there are no good NEW acts, but how would I know, because there's no rock magazine left and no radio station worth listening to?"
A million dollars means nothing. Two million. TEN million. Sorry, Bob Geldof, "Good Rat" (nobody knows who Peppi Marcello was). Whatever money you raise will get squandered. The money is going to slip into padded expense accounts. It'll go right back to the FAT CATS who make the bio-hazard gear. It'll go to the pharma phucks who make the overpriced meds. THEY aren't giving anything away.
The money will get siphoned into everything from the free airplane tickets and accomodations and meals for "volunteers" to "office" expenses and spending $50 for a hypodermic needle.
No lives will be saved thanks to a drippy, pompous tune gurgled by rich celebrities looking for some extra publicity.
This is a contagious disease being spread by ignorant monkeys. Just like AIDS, it will fester and cost a fortune, because MONKEYS can't control themselves. How's a few million thrown at a few corrupt banana countries full of chaotic and confused doctors and nurses and hospital personnel going to keep maniacs in the jungle from infecting each other?
The doctor who came to New York with ebola? NYC spent TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS on that bastard. Yes, that's what Senator Chuck Schumer said in a speech the other day. He asked that the U.S. government reimburse the city for all the money they spent in putting extra cops and health professionals on alert, and investigating every place this asshole went, and sending cleaning crews to sanitize subway locations, etc. etc. etc.
GELDOF, you want to send your MILLION over to NYC? That little pissy drop in the bucket you're so fucking proud of?
The rich will get richer. The "gold stars" earned by saps like Sam Sapface Smith and creepy Mr. Coldplay and bone-head Bono for appearing on this trifle will entitle THEM to more publicity and being able to charge even more for their live shows.
The big deal MILLION raised in five minutes? That's the kneejerk reaction. The reality is that most will see it FREE on YouTube and realize it's not worth buying. More will get it FREE on the torrents and blogs. The gush of a MILLION today will trickle to a few thousand by the end of the week.
It's just another ego-fest for Bob Geldof and his pals. Except BONO, who fell off his bicycle in Central Park and fucked up his shoulder.
PS, anyone raising money for Central Park? Most of the upkeep comes NOT from the city, but from the Central Park Conservancy, a non profit charity that raises money to do all the things the city does NOT do, like have guides on patrol to direct lost tourists and tell assholes to stop smoking and doing drugs at "Strawberry Fields."
The conservancy has people who work to maintain the lawns that get trampled by minority morons, and to keep the flowers blooming, despite the minority morons who want to take them home. They run programs that educate the minority assholes who live nearby, on the wonders of nature, and how you can do things in the park besides rape joggers and steal bicycles.
Aw, but raising money for the Central Park Conservancy (or other worthy causes) is not as flashy as waving the ebola banner. You don't get pie-faced STAN SMITH and the rest of the mewlers to crooooooon unless it's about eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebola, and the money goes to the neeeeeeeeeeeeeeegahs.
Yeah Bob, everything is PEACHY with you. Almost everything. Some things money can't buy. Like a fucking brain.
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