These lazy pork-faced chimps don't even go down to Times Square and dance for spare change.
No, they sit around collecting welfare, breeding in apartments they get for free, and draining millions of dollars getting their assholes examined every time they get diarrhea from their stinky, sugar-filled fat-loaded fast-food diet.
Obama didn't read the NY Daily News today, on how his shrug of "we can't deport 11 million people" is going to cost taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars.
Immigrants are costing a fortune.
Not only did Obama outright declare amnesty for five million (about half) the illegals, he's putting the government on the hook to house, feed and give them FREE medical care.
It's the "reward" for immigrants and minorities putting him and other Democrats in office. And as long as immigrants and minorities overpopulate, the major cities will always be run by Democrats.
No wonder NYC spends millions in printing up bilingual ballots, and sending out mailings in every possible idiot language. It's saying: "Look at us Democrats, giving you everything FREE, keep voting for us."
And they do. The warthog mayor of New York, the crooked Bill DeBlasio, the scumbag who instantly gave his wife a job, and payed $170,00 for the ugly bitch to have an ASSISTANT, is a typical Democrat pandering to obnoxious immigrants and minorities. "Vote for me," he said, in essence, "and I'll make sure the cops don't bother you, and judges don't convict you, and you can sit your black and brown asses at home and watch TV and procreate monkeys all day."
The once-proud and progressive Democratic party has just become a corrupt, pandering bunch of shits. Not that they had far to go. What's on the other side? Racist psycho Republican redneck gun-nut religious fanatic dickheads. Great choice.
Meanwhile, the government used to have money to do useful and cultural things. A little extra money might go to fund art programs in school, or teaching kids how to play a musical instrument.
There might be money for a "field trip," where school kids get on a bus and go to a museum, free, and see a special exhibit on fine art through the centuries in Asia and India. Or how Latinos such as Goya and Picasso were once revered for painting on canvas, not spray painting walls. There might even by time to visit an exhibit on strange African sculptures...primitive but often exciting.
Fuck that. Money is tight, and soon millions of dollars are going to disappear so that Pedro can eat his 3,000 calorie burritos five times a day and slurp his gallon of Pepsi, while Maria waddles around dropping babies faster than a chihuahua can shit.
This is like building a zoo to house roaches and rats, and hiring a fleet of vets to make sure they all live, eat well, and breed more.
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