Thursday, November 12, 2015


Today we have a guest editorial from notable old guy, Bill Hooba Cos, who is 78.

A celebrity who discovered how sex charges could end a career, Cos can no longer work. Venues are afraid to book him because a few idiots might gather out front and wave signs.

The notion, put forth by fans of Nazi Richard Wagner and Nazier Roger Waters, that one's "art" should be separate from one's personal beliefs, has been ignored in the case of Cos.

So who better to comment on the situation involving two guys from The Tremble Toes, an emaciated band of non-talents known for gorilla-like sideburns? Cos knows what it's like to see old charges lead to new proscution. 47 years ago The Tremble Toes were doing nothing creative, just cover versions of songs that were already hits. Now it turns out they had groupies?

It's vaguely been alleged that two idiots in the band had sex with someone. Did she put herself in a compromising position? Was she simply pulled off a street and into a van? Whatever happened, it happened 47 years ago, and it's a little bizarre to see it in the papers NOW.

The excuse might be that this person wasn't comfortable coming forward before. It would be her right to go write a piece for a tabloid, and let readers believe it or not. But to actually go to the police, and have them legitimize it by formally bringing the men in? That's a bit much. At least, Mr. Cos thinks so.

Mr. Cos has seen women come forward with allegations that are decades old. While America does have a "statute of limitations," it doesn't involve certain types of offenses. While it's unlikely a case that's 47 years old could be heard in America, a case that's 7 years old sure could. Which is a little ridiculous when there's no forensic evidence available and just somebody's allegation.

Just a few days ago, yet another woman joined in the parade of lawsuits filed against Cos. You see, if you claim you were raped, or date-raped, or maybe slipped a drug, and the other person denies it, you can STILL get him for "defamation." At least, that's the hope. Take him to court, hope for an out-of-court settlement or a lucky break and a myopic judge. Whee! The man IS worth millions.

There you are, Mr. Cos has TOPPED the case of The Tremble Toes by three years. A woman is bitching about something that happened 50 years ago! She can't possibly prove she and Mr. Cos even had sex, yet she can insist on "defamation" money.

She started all this. What Mr. Cos said isn't defamation, it's just the other half of "she said he said." Besides, WHO is saying she's been ridiculed? Can she prove that she lost her job? Is she claiming that people have righteously thrown stones at her in the street? In lawsuit-happy countries, isn't it true that people sue anyone for any reason, hoping to get a settlement? Some crazy judges award millions to people who had minor injuries from slipping on a sidewalk, so this encourages all kinds of dubious complaints.

Doesn't it seem like the legal system is being USED by people as a weapon?

This woman hasn't proven she's telling the truth, so how can she prove defamation? Isn't The Tremble Toes case just another example of somebody making an accusation and having it blown up by the media? Aren't we tired of hearing shit in "the court of public opinion?"

And now, Mr. Cos.

"First off, thank you to Mr. Disgusted, whom I actually know. Yes, that guy sure gets around, doesn't he? Why is it, if he knows so many famous people he's reduced to wasting so much time on free blog shit? Oh well. There's probably a fascinating story behind it. Or just the standard "times have changed, there's no money to be made in the entertainment world." I dunno. I know the guy but I sure as hell don't hang out with him. And these days I have troubles of my own!

"And so do these guys from The Tremble Toes. Which is the point of my guest editorial.

"I sympathize. I damn well do! Unless this bint has 8mm movies, or eye-witnesses in the form of a priest, nun or ex-Prime Minister, I don't see HOW this case ever was allowed to go forward.

"England's laws are far weirder than America's, that's for sure. While some of it makes sense, like that guy Matthew Fish-Head being able to sue over a song he claims he co-wrote, THIS case doesn't make sense. You can prove you co-wrote a song. It's still being played? You should get money. But how does a bint prove she was attacked against her will? And is her twat still dripping? Of course not.

"Granted, a woman would have to be mental to make up a story involving two guys who don't have a lot of money and are not from a famous group, but stranger things have happened in the world. Just take a look at that Dennis Lox guy. Who'd think a giant albino bowel movement would have a YouTube channel? But I digress.

"I think it's not very responsible for newspapers, even British ones, to print stories without all the facts. The police should not have made this court date public. Either tell us EXACTLY what they did, and why there's cause to file a complaint, or shut the fuck up. Right now these two idiots are sweating out bad public opinion, and who knows, the one who is still in the band might risk being fired, or the band being boycotted. Look at me, I had my shows boycotted even without a trial.

"It does seem, for all the bitching and moaning, that twats get special privileges. They can make accusations and the damage is done. Nobody sues THEM for defamation. Nobody demands they offer proof and not hearsay. Nobody tells 'em they should've waddled over to the cops or at least to a doctor so that physical evidence could be preserved. Yes, guys can be obnoxious, evil, and take advantage. Yes, women can be in shock, or be drugged up to the point of not being sure if they consented or not. But that's how it is. LAW, on the other hand, should require proof. It's also unfortunate that most people don't really believe in "innocent until proven guilty."

"Now, I am not here to defend my own self. I could point out that some bimbo bints were using ME to get ahead, and were friendly to me after the alleged assault. I'm not going into the fact that lotsa guys get women loaded on alcohol or drugs and some of what I did was just common behavior especially with Playboy bunnies and groupies and other women flinging themselves at a black man they'd never look twice at if he wasn't rich and famous. I also won't defend that in a few cases I may have been an arrogant egocentric bastard, and shouldn't have treated every woman like a dumb bint. I'm here to state that ANY guy put up on a stage and being idolized, is going to feel a sense of entitlement. That's not an excuse for bad behavior, but it can be a mitigating circumstance.

The main point is a) this ain't the early 60's. While it's a difficult situation, either collect evidence immediately and get the case to court, or accept you made a mistake in trusting a jerk, and move on.

And b) in The Tremble Toes case, the cops haven't stated that these two guys were involved in some totally thuggish abduction. They're saying they have cause to ask them to show up and talk. Isn't that a pretty irresponsible public shaming and presumption of guilt?

In summation:

"It doesn't seem right that a case from 47 years ago, which would and should involve forensic DNA evidence that can't possibly exist, has resulted in any kind of inquiry, or inquiry the public should officially be told about.

And second, it's extremely alarming to realize in this day and age, anyone still wants to hear The Tremble Toes in live performance."

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