Thursday, November 19, 2015


And now for something completely antisemitic.

I keed, I keed.

This blog has always believed that, give or take a thousand murders and bombings or so, the devout Muslim and the Orthodox Jew are equally nuts.

Besides, making fun of a porn whore idiot isn't like Roger Waters declaring Israel should not exist. So let the fun begin.

Hello, former Catholic slut turned Jewess. Let's hear all about it.

And let me start by saying that for years now, Jenna has sure been acting like a Jew. I mean, this is one cheap bitch who SELLS her memorabilia and gives NOTHING away. More about that after we read this scintillating NEWS item.

Yeah, what the world needs now, another empty headed slut with a plastic face and generic good looks being followed around by "reality" TV cameras.

The hook is that she's an ex-porn bitch, so she'll be mincing around in her bra, panties and suspender belt all day? I think not.

The hook is that she's another of those crazy blondes, like Marilyn Monroe, who ends up with (ewwwwww) a Jewwwwwww??


While you'll find more "Blacks and Blondes" porn in an adult store than "Blondes and Jews," let's duly note that most vintage porn actors were Jewish. Jamie Gillis. Herschel Savage. Harry Reems. Ron Jeremy.

Marilyn Monroe became Jewish? I think she did when she married Arthur Miller. She followed in the tradition Liz Taylor set when she married Eddie Fisher. While Liz went on to marry many foreskin-owners, she stayed a Jewess. Marilyn may have died a Jewess, too.

More recently there's the mad, mad, mad, mad, Madonna, the insane Catholic bitch who became a Kabbalah fan. Kaballah is a Hebrew word for bullshit. But every new-age nitwit has some kind of bullshit ritual or belief, if only to keep the candle and incense people in business.

The funny thing here, is that Madonna regularly blasphemed the Catholic church. She has never done anything terrible to the Jews. To music fans, yes, and some are Jewish. But that's as bad as it gets. Remember, her hit was "Papa Don't Preach" not "Papa Don't Kvetch."

Even funnier, is that before she had the smell of the Jew on her, Madonna was, at worst, called a slut. After people found out about her Kaballah experiments, Madonna became "MADGE."

That's pretty low, isn't it? She got tagged with a dowdy Jewy nickname. Feh!

Now we get back to Jenna.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, and all seriousness aside, the porn world stopped being interesting back in the awful awful 80's when bald-crotch Seka was a superstar. The woman was nothing but a walking talking fucking sucking Barbie doll. Plastic tits. Bald twat. Dyed blonde hair and generic make-up. A fake x-rated Marilyn Monroe, but not as good as it sounds.

After that, there was Ginger Lynn and Jenna Jameson. Neither had any real style or personality. It was just about watching a better animated blow-up doll in action.

After Jenna's tiresome and endless DVDs, porn completely fell apart from over-saturation and look-alike sluts. In the past 2 years, only true deviants, or naive idiots who don't know any better, go around trying to collect all the "work" of a particular blonde porn bitch.

As Seka began hobbling around the memorabilia circuit, making some decent bucks without needing mouthwash after, Jenna marketed herself, but GOOD.

That's when you got the idea maybe she was Jewish all along.

Before she even met the Jew she wants to marry, she was merchandising herself, and at high prices, too.

She's been relentless on EBAY. Maybe once she gets this Jew's millions, she'll stop, but even right NOW, the bitch has about 150 items for sale. The lowest price is $45 for an autographed photo where she doesn't even show her fake tits.

Most has-beens at memorabilia shows, including ex-Playboy centerfolds, would sell you an autographed photo for $20. They even haunt EBAY asking for $20 plus shipping.

So what do you call Jenna's price? CHUTZPAH!

For a personalized photo of Jenna naked, the "adult" has this:

Holy Moses. Even William Shatner doesn't have THAT kind of nerve.

(I know, who wants a naked picture of William Shatner.)

It gets worse. How about an autographed bra and panty set that maybe she wore, or didn't. Let's say she wore it for an hour or two, and it's actually her size. How much?


If you wondered if there was any basis for antisemitism, you might get the idea from the ad copy. How Jewy is it, that she won't throw in a photo of herself wearing the fucking thing? She tells you that you should BUY an autographed photo of her to create a better "display" in your little basement shrine.


Let's play nice (to use a Jewish expression). Jenna, 20 years ago, was a generic Victoria's Secret-type of "beauty." You wouldn't exactly look away if you saw her in action in a porn film. Let's even suggest that a woman who could easily have charged $5,000 or $10,000 (or more) to give a fan the "ultimate" thrill, is so wealthy she's marrying this rich Jew because she actually LIKES him.

This isn't out of the question. Shiksas have a strange fondness for Jewish men. They consider them handsome and intelligent. Take Kirk Douglas or Jeff Chandler. Women threw themselves at them. Tony Curtis? Marilyn Monroe, very much married to her Jew, Arthur Miller, cheated on Miller and fucked Tony during the filming of "Some Like It Hot." (It's in his book, and I doubt he was lying.)

Fuck, some women consider Jewish guys handsome and intelligent even when they're just intelligent. Let's say Woody Allen had more than his share of shiksas (such as Diane Keaton and Mia Farrow), before he found that pie-faced Korean.

Where was I?

Oh. Did you know Mort Sahl married a Playboy centerfold? And he's not an attractive Jew either.

But I digress. Jenna is SO overboard, for whatever reason, she's even marrying an ORTHODOX Jew. Yes, one of the CRAZY ones. Not Muslim-Machine-Gun crazy, but still religious-fanatic-goofy. She is learning to keep a kosher home!

Where in the Bible did God say that you need two sets of dishes?


So Jenna is studiously learning how to keep a kosher home, learning all about Jewish culture, and perhaps learning why Roger Waters would now spit on her. And not even pay her for doing it.

She is certainly set for life, even if this marriage lasts about as long as Jackie Mason's sitcom "Chicken Soup."

Whether anyone is going to want to watch a nauseating "reality show" about a rich Jew marrying a porn slut and discussing the difference between tsimmis (a food) and tsouris (trouble), I don't know. All I know is that if it works, one of the Jenners or Kardashians will stop fucking schvatzas and go after a rich Jew instead.

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